Q: Why do you want to join AESOP?
A: Oddly enough, I'm not sure if I actually do at this moment. Which is a very strange thing to say on an application form (or a job interview, which is kind of the same). I came to Runescape from A Tale In The Desert, a game that I loved except for the fact that every year and half or so the entire game world is destroyed and you have to start all over again with a new character. If it hadn't been for that little detail (which, for me, wasn't so little at all) I might have stayed with it. Instead, I looked for something similar in terms of skill training and world interaction. I ended up here. While I like the idea of chat channels, I don't really like the idea of clans as they are defined in this game. (I.e. the *requirement* to participate in events, etc.) Consider that my contrary nature. If I'm told I have to do something, I often do the opposite "just because". Chat channels are great, and if you have a bunch of mature, intelligent, and funny people (see my answer to the 2nd question) you can have a good time. I like trading one-line puns and comments. It's a good way of getting to know people, distracting you from the boredom of repetitive tasks, and exercising your mental muscles. But, at the same time, although I enjoy group conversation, when it comes to what I do in games like this I'm pretty much a solo player and prefer not to get involved in group activities - or at least regulated activities. So, even though you guys seems like the most laid-back of clans, if attendance at certain events is mandatory I'd probably not want to join after all. (Sad face.) However, if there were any clan I've read about here that I would want to join, it would be yours. (Happy face.) I do have to say that that hanging out in a clan citadel might be fun.
17-Oct-2012 06:40:53
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17-Oct-2012 06:48:54