RS Name- Cowcow006
How did you hear about us?- Bubbles Rho! I've been playing RS since early '04, played steadily through 2014. Temporarily quit when EOC came out (It was intimidating haha) But now I've came back stronger than ever!
What is your favorite activity and/or highest accomplishment in Runescape?(Skilling, Combat, Questing, etc.)- My best accomplishment was my cooking cape. Only because I got my 99 when my dear friend Green098 got hers. Although I'm proud of my skills because they were much harder to level up back in the day.
Have you read the 1st pages of both our threads?- Yes!
Why do you want to join AESOP?- I've been looking for a group with similar interesting (considering everyone calls me old). I have been chatting in this clan for a while now. Everyone is very nice and easy to talk to!
Have you ever been in a clan/group before?
a - If yes, do you fully understand that AESOP is a lot less structured than most RS clans? Yes, I understand
b - Are you currently in a clan or group? Yes I'm in a group with my friends from college( That's all)
Are you willing to help AESOP set good examples for & help other players? Of course!
Have you read AESOP's rules & agree to follow them? Yes!
Do you understand that we ask that you to
a - attend at least one event/gathering a month whenever possible? I'm always willing to participate!
b - spend time in aesop clan chat so that we may all get to know each other? I have been in the clan chat ever since I've started playing again
c - attend at least one meet & greet or event during your 30 day trial? * I have met several members throughout the worlds but ever in a structured meeting.
Best time to catch you on RS?-(Please include your time zone.) I'm ALWAYS on! My job requires me to remain "alert" at all times so I get to play for 12 hours a day at work, plus when I'm at home! I live in New York!
21-Oct-2015 12:46:46
- Last edited on
21-Oct-2015 12:52:24
Sir CowCow