- The Clan avatar habitat, woodcutter plot, and kiln have all been upgraded to tier 7. We now have three avatars, and we can discuss naming the third avatar in a similar fashion to the second.
- Due to the increase in capping time, we have increased the denarius rewarded for capping from 3 to 4.
- Spye received the Fletching pet
- Recruitment raffle going on, will end at 400 members and winners will be drawn then.
- As a reward to those that attended, we did a raffle with three winners of 15m. Paxio, Violet Meme, and Angemima won.
TouchOfMagik has added a new version of our PVM Spreadsheet that now grants the ability for any person to add their own comments! The comments are specific to each cell. To add a comment, click on a cell to highlight it, then click on the comment button to the top-right of the screen. Any cell with a comment(s) will have an orange indicator on the top-right of the cell.
Senate Meeting Time Change
We will be regularly having Senate meetings at 8PM Est. (00:00 Game Time) now. With this change, we hope to be able to host more events on Tuesday nights, which seem to be a nice peak time for clan activity.