Hi all,
Apologies for incorrect posting but I've no time to locate the discussion thread again, if necessary please move/delete.
As you all may have noticed I have been extremely inactive over the past months.
This is due to my studies taking up the bulk of my time ( a masters degree aint no joke! ) leaving none left to actively play or even log on. I have hereby cancelled my membership for the time being, and have no immediate plans to reinstate it.
I do not see me returning to any reasonable level of activity for some time, but the intention is to come back eventually.
I understand that you as a clan must do what you must do and therefore I accept any demotion or kick that comes as a result of my inactivity. I also accept that when I do return to an adequate level of play, I will perhaps have to start at the bottom once more.
Hope you all are well,
25-Nov-2015 11:47:23