Membership (F2P or P2P) : (if F2P do you intend to get membership soon?) member
Total Level :2544
Combat Stats :all combat 99
What word represents our entry requirements?prime
Please confirm that you have read and agree to follow the rules, clan chat protocol and guidelines :
yup read em
Has the clan been recommended to you ? no was just forum browsing
Special Interests :in rs? prob gwd kk and dungeoneering
RS Dislikes :im just back from long absence so forget what i hate about the game...althrough gimme a week and il prob have a list for you
Are you interested in learning PvM or Dungeoneering ? yup and yup
Do you want help learning any other RS activities / skills (e.g. minigames, dungeoneering) ? herblore habitat i gotta get into at some point...need taught the ins n outs of that
Are you interested in teaching any aspects of the game ?im 200mill dungeoneer but still like to play it and more than happy to help ppl get floors on w77..or teach them the basics if they want to learn it