Timezone : GMT+8 (SG)
Membership (F2P or P2P) : P2P
Total Level : 2186
Combat Stats : 123
What word represents our entry requirements? PRIME
Please confirm that you have read and agree to follow the rules, clan chat protocol and guidelines : Yes.
Has the clan been recommended to you ? Found the advertisement on forum
Special Interests : NO, i just login afrer 1300 days and im very lost with new skill like dung and the new interface.
** Dislikes : PVP
Are you interested in learning PvM or Dungeoneering ? Learning PvM: I LOVE PVM
Do you want help learning any other RS activities / skills (e.g. minigames, dungeoneering) ? Maybe
Are you interested in teaching any aspects of the game ? Need to relearn this game again.
Currently training on my herblore, prayer and summon for PVM(96 Prayer banked)
05-Nov-2015 14:07:52
- Last edited on
05-Nov-2015 14:15:43
Icy Bell