• Combat Level:138
• Weapons: SOS, ASC, DRYS,
• Armour:elite tect, elite sirenic, masterwork
• Herblore Level:108
• Summoning Level:100
• Prayer Level:99
• Combat Auras:all dps and acc auras
• PvM Experience: a lot besides solak,yaka,aod,ed3
• Prifddinas Access (Y/N):y
• Would you use discord? (Y/N):y
•Do you want to learn certain bosses? if so, which ones?:
AOD, duo rago
•Are you willing to teach certain bosses? if so, which ones?:
I can teach any boss that's not listed above^ favourite would be bomb tanking vorago
•Do you have any questions for us?: will ask if I have any
19-Jan-2020 05:29:07