Username: Yami Koh
• Combat Level: 138
• Weapons: Shadow Glaives, Chaotic spear, obliteration
• Armour: sirenic(augmented), malev (augmented), superior zuriels (augmented).
• Herblore Level: 99
• Summoning Level: 99
• Prayer Level: 99
• Combat Auras: Brawler (sup), Sharpshooter (sup), Ruinic (sup), maniacal, reckless, berserker
• PvM Experience: Over 600 solo nex kills, nearly 5k rots kc, nearly 1k rax, over 4k KK, little raids and rago, around 400 aod
• Prifddinas Access (Y/N): Y
• Would you use discord? (Y/N):Y
•Do you want to learn certain bosses? if so, which ones?: I undrstand beastmaster as a pt (basically dps role) and some mechanics to yaka. Id like to learn rago and raids better.
•Are you willing to teach certain bosses? if so, which ones?: I would love to teach ROTS, as well as kalphite king. Those two are some of my favorites.
•Do you have any questions for us?: Just got hacked this passed december and starting playing again about 2 weeks ago. will my lack of gear hinder me too much this clan.
24-Mar-2019 16:29:33