• Username: Baddkarma
• Combat Level: 135
• Weapons: Dual ascensions, dual drygore maces
• Armour: Anima Core of Zammy, Full Malevolent
• Herblore Level: 96
• Summoning Level: 83
• Prayer Level: 95
• Combat Auras: Vamp, Pen, Both Ranging ones, Mage Accuracy one,
• PvM Experience: GWD bosses, handful GWD2 solos, GWD2 masses Greg, Learning QBD still
• Prifddinas Access (Y/N): N
• Would you use discord? (Y/N): Y
•Do you want to learn certain bosses? if so, which ones?:
Nex, Arax, Kalphite King, Corp, GWD2 All, ETC.
•Are you willing to teach certain bosses? if so, which ones?:
Maybe GWD 1 and any other after i get the hang of fluently.
•Do you have any questions for us?:
I want some solid pateint teachers, i want to learn to Solo, dou and Group PVM, also Discord is help, I would like to be able to receive the avatar skilling boost, etc,
14-Mar-2018 08:50:37