RSN& what you would prefer to be called: Smack ed (Rez)
Combat Level: 123
Total level:1806
Prayer/Summoning/Herblore level: 69 Prayer, 92 herb (with ovls) 78 summoning
Timezone: Uk
Are you P2P: Yes
Do you meet our level requirements? Yes
Do you have void (not required)? No
Your current bossing experience: Beastmaster, KK, Nex, Araxxor
Preferred Style (skiller, Pvmer, Pvper ,social or mixed player): Pvm/Pvp
Bosses you are most keen on doing: Araxxor, Beastmaster, Nex, KK
Would you be willing to learn/teach bosses: Yes!
What you would like to gain from being in the clan chat: Friends
Do you have, or would you be willing to use discord for certain bosses: Yes
Have you read and understood the rules? Yes
Something extra about yourself ; )(not mandatory, just so we know you better- can be anything at all!
) I was dropped on my head as a kid so bare with me x