RSN& what you would prefer to be called: Pictor ; Pictor
Combat Level: 129
Total level:2058
Prayer/Summoning/Herblore level: 75/75/75
Timezone: EST
Are you P2P: Yes
Do you meet our level requirements? Yes
Do you have void (not required)? Yes( only ranged set)
Your current bossing experience: Pretty much none at all.
Preferred Style (skiller, Pvmer, Pvper ,social or mixed player): Im not sure yet to be honest
Bosses you are most keen on doing: N/A
Would you be willing to learn/teach bosses: I'd be comfortable learning bosses, and eventually teaching them to others.
What you would like to gain from being in the clan chat: I'd like to meet new people, learn bosses, and help others.
Do you have, or would you be willing to use discord for certain bosses: Yes.
Have you read and understood the rules? Yes.
Something extra about yourself ; )(not mandatory, just so we know you better- can be anything at all!
) I just joined rs3 again after a few years of not playing, so i've got a lot of stuff to learn. I'm also very talented with managing discord servers, so if you ever need help with Discord, let me know
thank you Pictor , for your application, you have been accepted .
Either guest in our clan chat for an invite or message me directly when you're available. We look forward to meeting you and hope you refer us to a friend and use all we have to offer such as our citadel and our helpful and active clan mates