thank you Smack ed , for your application, you have been accepted .
Either guest in our clan chat for an invite or message me directly when you're available. We look forward to meeting you and hope you refer us to a friend and use all we have to offer such as our citadel and our helpful and active clan mates
Please copy and paste the following template into a new post and answer all the questions, after filling out the application wait for a leader to review your application
the more you write in your application, the better your chances of being accepted!
After posting, attempt to contact a DOJO member (admin +) to review your application, if you can't find anyone sit tight and someone will review it soon!
Quest Points: 132
Favorite Skill: Slayer!
Favorite Minigame: Soul Wars back in the day
Did you read and do you understand all of the clan rules? yes. I don't like desert
Will you be in the CC at all times when you are online "Dojo"? Yes
Are you willing to Cap at the Citadel Weekly? Plan on doing it every week
Will you help Lead / Join skilling events? Yes / Yes
Will you be active on the forums? Not as much as others. But I'm willing to
Have you been in a clan before? Been in a few clans seriously as well as lead my own 100 person clan. Active events/ capping/ and recruitment.
If so, what was the clan’s name? Been too long to remember
Why did you leave, or get kicked out of that clan? I've always left clans because I take a break and the clan dies.
Did anybody refer you to our clan? If so, what is their name? Just stumbled upon forum post.
Would you like to join us chilling together on Discord? (Optional) Absolutely.
I'm a high level, but since I've taken so many breaks, I don't know a lot about high lvl PVM. I look forward to learning, but it's hard to find a clan that wants to teach members that look like they should be experts. Looking forward to growing with you guys!