RSN: RuinedSavior
Combat level: 138
Total level: 2656
What armour/weapons do you own? Dual Ascensions, Sirenic (working on Elite verison)
fleeting boots/reaper necklace.
Do you have discord? yup
working on melee and mage set ups, and im also still learning eoc and the newer bosses thats been added over the last few years, so hopefully thats not an issue.
You are welcome to join Loot Hunters!
There is no issue if you are still learning a lot of bosses, I will be glad to help you!
Message me when you are back online so i can invite you to the clan.
RSN: Aj342
Combat level: 134
Total level:2548
What armour/weapons do you own? Sirenic ranged and masterwork mele both augmented dragon rider lance melee and wyvern xbow ranged both augmented
Do you have discord? Yes
Looking to learn group bossing and say you guys on one of Nuzznuzz’s videos on YouTube
RSN: KumDawg
Combat level: 138
Total level: 2886
What armour/weapons do you own? FSOA elite tect, blights elite sirenic, ecb eof, sgb eof, abs eof, custom fit masterwork scythe.
Do you have discord? yeah
Combat level: 138
Total level: 2562
What armour/weapons do you own?
Magic T80 armor/T92 wep
Melee T90 armor/T92 wep
Range T80/90 armor/T90 wep
Do you have discord? Not yet