RSN: SlyTheHero
Combat level: 134
Total level: 2392
What armour/weapons do you own? MasterWork and T85 power armours for Magic and Ranged. Nox Scythe, Nox staff and RCB
Do you have discord? Yes SlyTheHero#9075
RSN: Tactition
Combat Level: 138
Total Level: 2377
What armour/weapons do you own? Ascension armour set ascension crosbows dual wield tokhaar kar xil cape ascension grips pernix boots asylum surgeons ring
Do you have a discord? Yes
RSN: Judiasmon
Combat level: 138
Total level: 2844
What armour/weapons do you own? Ascensions, nox scythe/staff/bow, drygores, masterwork, pernix, virtus
Do you have discord? yes