Combat level:129
Total level:1793
What armour/weapons do you own?praesul virtus gconc hailfire boots ring of death eof scripture of jas enhanced kerapacs wrist wraps
Do you have discord? yes OBenevolentO#7716
RSN: VanCook
Combat level: 138
Total level: 2591
What armour/weapons do you own? Sirenic/pernix/mage Subjugation (perked, updating now), Asc cbows, cywir, mostly range/mage kills, still rebuilding bank.
Do you have discord? Yes, very active on discord
RSN: egleye96
Combat level: 135
Total level: 2375
What armour/weapons do you own? siernic with zaryte bow, tetsu, akrisae, T5 necro.
Do you have discord? Yes
RSN: fergrox
Combat level: 138
Total level: 2925
What armour/weapons do you own? full masterwork mele with scythe, full sirenic with ascensions, t70 nech with t90 weps, some crypt and subj with cywr, lots of misc upgrades
Do you have discord? yes