• Runescape name: Milkedher1st
• Have you read the rules: Yea
• Total Level: 2542
• Timezone: GMT
• P2P: Ye
• How active are you: 1-2 hrs weekdays 5-12 on weekends depends on weather. I ride dirtbike and have a 7 month old son.
• What bosses do you enjoy the most: Just really learning, I know vindicta and all of gwd1
• What bosses would you be interested in learning: All
• Would you participate in Clan Bossing: That's why I'm here
• On a scale of 1-10, how cool are you: 1 degree is colder than 10 so.... 1?
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
25-Mar-2017 07:08:57