• Runescape name: Leya Amelie
• Have you read the rules: Yes
• Total Level: 2187
• Timezone: +1
• P2P: Yes
• How active are you: Not daily, because I'm also playing ironman mode. Total level on there is 2500. Got all pvm experience from there. Like:
- base, bomb rago
- minion tank 7 man aod
- all roles bm
- rax
- telos
- all gwd 2
- nex
• What bosses do you enjoy the most: nex, aod, rago, telos
• What bosses would you be interested in learning: solak
• Would you participate in Clan Bossing: yes
• On a scale of 1-10, how cool are you: o wow, that's a hard one. I don't know, other people must decide about that =]
11-Oct-2019 18:46:39