Well we're a real friendly clan, always up for a chat about anything
Plenty of people in the clan have done those bosses you're wanting to learn so we'll be a good help for the bossing side of things.
I'll try catch you online to pm you or feel free to guest in our clan chat and ask for an invite
• Runescape name: Uukhai
• Have you read the rules: Yes
• Total Level: 2015
• Timezone: PST
• P2P: Yes
• How active are you: I play everyday
• What bosses do you enjoy the most: Vindicta is my favorite atm ^^
• What bosses would you be interested in learning: Araxxor / Raids
• Would you participate in Clan Bossing: Yeah
• On a scale of 1-10, how cool are you: I'm pretty fire so...