Clan Name: Republic of Varrock
Representatives: KitsuneAce, je-te-vois
Amount of Members: 81
Timezone: GMT & EST
Quick find code: 93-94-504-62723600
Name: Tears of Blood
Representatives: Realityshel, TOB Stuie, Aqua Nova3
Amount of Members: 30
Timezone: EST
Quick find code: 87-88-13-62647720
Clan Name: The Imperial Legion
Representatives: Oblivion7567
Amount of Members: 117
Timezone: GMT & EST
Quick find code: 269-270-100-62896457
Clan Name: Church oƒ Saradomin
Representatives: JJ The Sage, De God Of Wc
Amount of Members: 56
Timezone: GMT + EST
Quick find code: 93-94-471-62621879
Name: The British Umbra
Representatives: Flabberjab, Razerex, Thermo91, Xcist
Amount of Members: 38
Timezone: GMT
Quick find code: 87-88-239-62513674
Clan Name: Defiance
Representatives: Wolf Jess, MasterChip
Amount of Members: 50
Timezone: EST
Quick find code: 269-270-209-62647243
Clan Name: Man Vs Wildy
Representatives: Gameboylight
Amount of Members: 309
Timezone: EST
Quick find code: 90-91-261-61833836
Clan Name: Guardians of Armadyl
Representatives: Aliciaa
Amount of Members: 45
Timezone: EST
Quick find code: 269-270-264-62874826
Clan Name: Shadow Revenants
Representatives: Rouge Risker, U Wil Nowdie
Amount of Members: 23
Timezone: Central
Quick find code: 269-270-13-62804910
Clan Name: Pc Troy
Representatives (max. 2): Achilles40, Red Jesster
Amount of Members: 26
Timezone: EST
Quick find code: 93-94-707-62871412
Clan Name: The Wardens of Virtue
Representatives: Vallagnar, Dragon Lubu
Amount of Members: 72
Timezone: GMT + EST
Quick find code: 90-91-928-62766290
Clan Name: Republic of Varrock
Representatives: KitsuneAce, je-te-vois
Amount of Members: 81
Timezone: GMT & EST
Quick find code: 93-94-504-62723600
Name: Tears of Blood
Representatives: Realityshel, TOB Stuie, Aqua Nova3
Amount of Members: 30
Timezone: EST
Quick find code: 87-88-13-62647720
Clan Name: The Imperial Legion
Representatives: Oblivion7567
Amount of Members: 117
Timezone: GMT & EST
Quick find code: 269-270-100-62896457
Clan Name: Church oƒ Saradomin
Representatives: JJ The Sage, De God Of Wc
Amount of Members: 56
Timezone: GMT + EST
Quick find code: 93-94-471-62621879
Name: The British Umbra
Representatives: Flabberjab, Razerex, Thermo91, Xcist
Amount of Members: 38
Timezone: GMT
Quick find code: 87-88-239-62513674
Clan Name: Defiance
Representatives: Wolf Jess, MasterChip
Amount of Members: 50
Timezone: EST
Quick find code: 269-270-209-62647243
Clan Name: Man Vs Wildy
Representatives: Gameboylight
Amount of Members: 309
Timezone: EST
Quick find code: 90-91-261-61833836
Clan Name: Guardians of Armadyl
Representatives: Aliciaa
Amount of Members: 45
Timezone: EST
Quick find code: 269-270-264-62874826
Clan Name: Shadow Revenants
Representatives: Rouge Risker, U Wil Nowdie
Amount of Members: 23
Timezone: Central
Quick find code: 269-270-13-62804910
Clan Name: Pc Troy
Representatives (max. 2): Achilles40, Red Jesster
Amount of Members: 26
Timezone: EST
Quick find code: 93-94-707-62871412
Clan Name: The Wardens of Virtue
Representatives: Vallagnar, Dragon Lubu
Amount of Members: 72
Timezone: GMT + EST
Quick find code: 90-91-928-62766290
24-Mar-2011 10:59:18 - Last edited on 19-Jun-2011 00:37:12 by Kizowitsu