Elderberries clan, to which our very own FC Community Activist coordinator Florisvbelle belongs, are running six exciting events in the Halloween period, all accessible to f2p ironmode players, and to which our FC has been specifically invited. Brief information below, but click
for further details.
Date/Time: 21 Oct 5am game time, 22 Oct 5pm game time
Rewards: various, including smileys in FC for a month
Host: Elderberries clan/Florisvbelle
...and bump
AKA: Arbr**** Vie
Please also remove the filter from our siggies Jagex!
And the Spooktober events
will be happening in just under five hours from this post (5pm game time). Be there for some spookliscious fun!
AKA Treemaid
A wonderful time was had by all participants in our Spooktober events! Thank you to those who came to join in the fun and make it so special. A particular big thank you too to our own FC Community Activitist, Florisvbelle, for liasing between our FC and Elderberries clan to make all this happen!
AKA Treemaid
Bring your unwanted crater event tokens from your iron accounts to put in the falador party room chest, and bring your regular accounts to burst the balloons and get the goodies!
Falador Party room (north east of Fally east bank).
Tuesday 7th November, 5pm game time (GMT)
Amongst the goodies, there will be at least one wolpertinger pet token (worth a couple of mill I think), and 4 different parasol tokens from the previous event.
Bring your unwanted crater event tokens from your iron accounts to put in the falador party room chest, and bring your regular accounts to burst the balloons and get the goodies!
Falador Party room (north east of Fally east bank).
Tuesday 7th November, 5pm game time (GMT)
Amongst the goodies, there will be at least one wolpertinger pet token (worth a couple of mill I think), and 4 different parasol tokens from the previous event.
Don't miss out!
Bump for this event! Fours hours and 40 mins from the time of this post.
AKA: Arbr**** Vie
Please also remove the filter from our siggies Jagex!
Sage Elsin was a ranger, his arrows sharp and bright!
He’d shoot for wealth and glory all ankous within sight.
His addy arrows flew from bow more swift than dragon flame,
Yet still he died to ankou blow, an elite was to blame.
His skill was of such great renown, he fought three anks at once
And safely ranged them one by one, while none of them could pounce.
Yet spawning by the side of him a mighty elite roared
And on our poor heroic friend, his enmity he poured.
Sage Elsin thought of leaving, yet spark of hope appeared -
He used an ank to shield himself. His mighty bow then reared
And pointing fine, and pointing true, it hit the elite sound
But yet, he noticed not I fear, his ‘shield’ lay on the ground.
Unhindered by the lesser ank, the mighty ank surged forth
And poured upon our ranger brave his devastating wrath.
It was too late to run or eat, too late for prayer too.
For with a great and mighty blow, this ank, our hero slew.
Alas for Elsin! All will grieve; yet heed of this, we take -
‘Tis better still to stay alive than die for bravery’s sake!
RIP Sage Elsin
We will remember!
AKA: Arbr**** Vie
Please also remove the filter from our siggies Jagex!
By the way, in the light of a recent revelation by Mod Stu on Twitter that the coding for ghosts suggests they only drop cremation in P2P currently (possibly a bug), if any of you lovely iron f2p players get cremation from now on, would you mind letting us know?
For the duration of the free weekend membership promotion, there will be increased tolerance of P2P content chat in FC. All the same though, if it gets too much and a FC Mod (captain rank or above) asks you to stop, please respect that. We will be back to our usual 'keep P2P chat to a minumum' policy in FC after the weekend.
Make sure to have fun in P2P land though, those who are doing that!
AKA: Arbr**** Vie
Please also remove the filter from our siggies Jagex!