Kami Onyx was a peaceful soul, yet needed runes of law.
He took himself to the wilderness to purchase there some more.
Alas, he told in our friends chat, his method them to gain
Whilst unbeknown to all of us, a Pker lurked within.
So Kami, heedless, ventured forth unto the mage arena
Whilst pker, evil in his eyes, crept closer, ever keener
And smited our dear Kami down, so merciless and cruel,
Full mindless of the the pain he brought unto our weeping souls!
Stefario the brave, in rage, then brought Kami’s revenge,
He sought and killed that foul pker, and brought him to his end.
Yet Kami Onyx still lies dead, his like we’ll see no more
Until that day we meet again beyond death’s sullen shore.
RIP Kami Onyx
We will remember!
AKA Treemaid
17-Jul-2019 17:57:38