Seriously? That's a good question. Lot's of things! For example land claims seem odd and lore wise make no sense at all. If it was up to me I would divide it up in a way that made more sense. Realistic boundaries for each clan. Called player owned cities not player owned continents. I could go on for a while about things I'd change but you said one so ....
Things can be frosty at times right? w83 has been through something of a cold war for a while. Maybe the so called 'golden age' won't be repeated but I guess I'd like to see more fun wars (which there have been a few of recently) and less drama if such a thing is possible but people will be people. Having said that drama is such a big part of the history without which it may not be the home sweet home it is.
Zirak Kingdom
IGA wasn't based on w83 so had the whole of rs to play with lore wise which I had some fun with. Also it was free of the politics on 83. My main trouble was the fact that most people in the clan were based in the USA which was a bit frustrating. But the setup was great. Loved the way it was structured, maybe wasn't perfect but it was well thought out and a lot of work went into it.
Well let's see. I happened to be at a friend's house, and while hanging out, he asked me if I had heard of the game--I was 10 at the time. When I told him no, he then set up my character and showed me the ropes.
The most prominent memory I recall is when he was showing me how to cook chickens on a fire and he bragged about how he has a friend who can cook almost a full inventory without burning any, which is pretty funny to think of now.
Anywho, I'm very glad he brought this
curse of a game
into my life.
I mostly just kept to myself and a few RL friends who also played; we'd kill AlKharid guards and the such like the pr0s we were. Eventually, that got bland, and, after discovering the RSOF, I decided I wanted to create a clan with one of my friends I met in 7th grade. That idea went south as quickly as it had came, so I decided my first-time clanning experience might go better if I join one rather than create it, as you can imagine.