::99th Mafia Returns
After being laid to rest indefinitely by Booperdee2 in 2008, he comes back and resurrects the mafia. 99th Mafia was known for its wealth just as equally as Irish, for the creator came from Irish himself. However After Boop took over Donship for the first time, he closed it to Join Mafia City. However, he decided it was time for him to quit Mafia City after being in the clan for a year. 99th grew quickly as old members of the clan came back. 99th stayed to itself for quite sometime until a war broke out.
Boop joined MC 10.Mar.08, last ref to him in MC 12.Oct.09, still looking for when he left
There was also several attempts at 99th after Boop closed it
Ref: 20.Mar.08 Razor7633 as don, 03.Jun.08 Hells Fire 7 as don
:99th vs Divine
Divine, now led by Gw Josep1, declared a war on Booperdee after several flame wars broke out. Boop then took the initiative to call it a turf war and to invite allies. It was thanks to 99th's allies that Divine lost.
However, Divine again declared war on 99th for her turf back. This time 1vs1. After the 2nd war with 99th, Divine was able to get back all her turf.
Two videos indicate the war with allies was on 17 or 18 April 2010
:: Mafia City vs KOY
The latest inter poc-mafia war took place on 23 Jan 2010 over disputed western territories of W83. Following the new rift created in the network in 2009, the battle saw families on both sides. Mafia City, Gambino, Irish and other allies fought Kingdom of Yanille, Genovese and their other POC allies. Victory was to the Mafia City allied side with 75 men still standing.
Let me know if you know anyone else involved, Gambino under Knight was my main ally, Babypower88 was on MC side so I listed Irish as an ally. I recall Bigm fighting on the opposing side hence Genovese.