King Kid Arthur and his group headed to the sailor on another dock that will take them to Miscellania. Both leaders look over their respective groups, and Queen Lorry Rayne sighs, "Where is Unbreakable? Jura Mist, could you search for him please?" Jura Mist turns on his heels and just about takes a step when into view comes Brundt and Unbreakable arms draped over each other's shoulders. Both were holding massive tankards of the famous Fremennik ale, and looking very worse for wear. Other men followed them with carts of kegs of ale and tankards. King Kid Arthur licks his imaginary parched lips and mutters, "One wont hurt?" Queen Lorry Rayne rolls her eyes and silently agrees with her King without telling him, "Okay, just one." Everyone roars with cheers for the Queen as ale is poured and drunk. Unbreakable able to consume several tankards to everyone else's one.
Much hand shaking and hugs between the two royal groups and the Fremenniks go on, as farewells are said. Both parties climb aboard their ships. Ropes strain as wind fills the sails of both ships as they cut through the water to adventure!
Queen Lorry Rayne and Princess Fierysfury are on high alert as their ship stops at Pirate Cove for the transfer to the Lunar Isles. They pass the time on Captain Bently's ship talking and planning, while the men help with the sails and rigging. Captain Benty couldn't have had a better extra crew. Jura Mist and his brave warriors needed to hone their skills with ship repair, as they spent a great deal of time below the waterline repairing the hull with all its leaks.
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