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An Epic Fool
Nov Member 2023

An Epic Fool

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The Death of Undeath

After the hours of grueling battle, the seemingly unending horde of undead began to thin. With only a final few zombies remaining, the warriors of the world could gaze triumphantly across the rolling Feldip Hills, and see the sun furiously fighting to rise on the horizon - a beacon of hope to contrast the gloom that seemed to cover the world.

The world had survived the night of horror. The armies of the four kingdoms had won the night. The worst had passed as dawn broke. The hills were stained with blood and looked wrecked, but at least it was over...

As the soldiers plundered the battlegrounds, they found stores of resources in the ritual site (mainly runes and energy used for foul and nefarious means), in addition to gathering wood and stone that were abundant in the Feldip Hills region.

I would like to thank you all for participating in World Event 4. I hope that I was able to give the ending some justice.

I am sorry to see TDH go - Artemis had fantastic lore, and World Event 4 was very well done. I know that this ending to the world event probably does not do it justice, and for that, I apologize.

10 Wood, 10 Stone, 5 Runes, 5 energy added to POC treasuries

EDIT: Mimring will also find the ritual tome, containing secrets of advanced knowledge of necromancy. As for putting this into the text of lore, I think I will leave it to Mimring if he wants to write more about exactly how he discovers it, or if he wishes to divulge any of its contents to the rest of us non-necromancers :P
Cain Izrail |
Court Jester
of The Menaphite Empire

09-Nov-2017 03:55:09 - Last edited on 10-Nov-2017 06:37:05 by An Epic Fool

Sora Verus
Jun Member 2014

Sora Verus

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A small scroll embellished with the wax seal of the Varrock royalty was tied to the leg of raven bound for Ardounge and addressed to Brother Rowanius of the Aegis of Saradomin.

In light of recent events, the Kingdom of Varrock would like to gift you and your people with the island of Ashdale. Though two of my Lords did wreck the land upon our claiming of the island, time has been kind to the environment and it is suitable for living once more.

I am aware that the religious differences between yourself, Darius, and I are concerning to some of our citizens. I can assure you that this is of no importance to my husband or myself. We hope for continued friendship and cooperation.

~ Sora Verus, Queen of Varrock

Discord: Indie#2017

10-Nov-2017 21:04:47 - Last edited on 10-Nov-2017 21:50:04 by Sora Verus



Posts: 161 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Go Alone

One morning in Ardougne, a tattered letter was spotted near the doorstep of the AoS chapter house. Brother Rowan picked it up and started reading through the crudely-written words of the letter.

Dear Man of Saradomin,

If you wish to see your pretty scout alive, meet me outside Ardougne tomorrow at sunrise. Don't bring any backup forces; only yourself.

If I see even a single of your soldiers nearby, your pretty messenger is good for dead. Think about it.

See you.

- Jaguix

"Marcia... So that's why the letter did not arrive. Nevertheless, I have to rescue her no matter what," muttered Rowan to himself. "I have to somehow trick them."

Meanwhile another letter was accepted as well.
Brother Rowanius Vendragon
of the
Aegis of Saradomin

A Warpriest of Saradomin.

10-Nov-2017 21:24:32 - Last edited on 10-Nov-2017 21:43:19 by Bernauld

Sora Verus
Jun Member 2014

Sora Verus

Posts: 4,264 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Return of the MLF

Rhiannon sighed softly as her caravan came to a shuttering stop. She wiped the sleep from her eyes and stretched her arms as much as possible in the enclosed space. We best have arrived, she thought angrily. Only a week ago had she said goodbye to her boat in Port Sarim, returning from a six-month extended stay in Ashdale overseeing the rebuilding of the island’s farms and structures. Not twenty-four hours after she stepped foot into the palace had Sora sent her to secure another piece of land. This time in a much less pleasant area – Silvarea.

The mountain loomed gloomily on either side of Rhiannon as she exited the caravan and made her way towards the large cliffside temple. Beside her, her husband Auron, one of Sora’s Queensguard, explained the situation to her. “It seems that the recent undead threats have pushed the ghosts and goblins out of Morytania. This will leave the area open for any Morytanian Liberation sympathizers.” Auron explained as they approached the edge of the cliff, where the mountains dropped down into the Canifis border. “The Queen wants to get our men in there as quickly as possible to subdue any rebels that have already moved in.”

Rhiannon nodded. Once they reached the edge, the pair leaned over the fencing to look at what should have been an endless expanse of swampland below. Instead, spelled out in the mucky weeds with fire, were three letters: MLF.

Rhiannon averted her eyes from the desecrated ground below and back up to her husband. “Seems we’re a bit late to the party.”

TL;DR: The Kingdom of Varrock gifts Ashdale to AOS and claims Silvarea.

Discord: Indie#2017

10-Nov-2017 21:31:29 - Last edited on 10-Nov-2017 21:33:36 by Sora Verus

Hot Sola Aoi
Aug Member 2023

Hot Sola Aoi

Posts: 103 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
[Captain J.P. Hanson made the following log onboard Skoll's Revenge.]

Captain's log, Runedate 3734.67. All ships have been ordered to stand down from battle stations. The Dark Horizon has mysteriously ceased to defend. There are a few contradicting rumours as to the sudden cease-fire. Rumours from the west suggested that the Kingdom of Varrock, or one of her agencies, had successfully infiltrated Canifis and brought down TDH. An adventurer just escaped from Port Phasmatys to Daemonheim believes that the vampyre fraction within TDH revolted and TDH collapsed from within. A few elfs in black suit on the docks was discussing the possibility that "Super Zombies" were responsible. Mercenaries returning from Burgh de Rott claimed to have seen an omnipotent being simply made all things related to TDH disappeared. Until further confirmed news arrived, as the most senior officer presents in Daemonheim port, I have ordered all personnel in Daemonheim to remain battle-ready just to be on the safe side.

OOC: KoI's fleet needs a reason to suddenly stand down. Without a proper lore reason for TDH's leave, I've put everything as "rumours".

11-Nov-2017 00:58:14

Nov Member 2021


Posts: 393 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Before I get into our final lore which is coming later today, there is gifting to be had!

To AoS-
The last of our resource stores: 160k, 10W, 8O, 32X, 0F, 4E, 50R

Again to Aos:
Our 5 Ships that may renamed and refitted at your leisure:
The Soul of Sorrow: 4 Combat, 1 Morale, 6 Seafaring, 1 Speed
Envy of Death: 4 Combat, 1 Morale, 6 Seafaring, 1 Speed
The Envoy of Avarice: 4 Combat, 1 Morale, 6 Seafaring, 1 Speed
The Pride of the Sanguinesti: 3 Combat, 3 Morale, 3 Seafaring, 3 Speed
The Adventurer's Lust: 2 Combat, 4 Morale, 4 Seafaring, 2 Speed

Any lands that you want of ours AoS, we freely gift them to you and wish you the best of luck!

This is what we had that you may choose from:
Burg De Rott
Port Phasmatys
Haunted Woods
The Abandoned Mine
Fenkenstrain's Castle
The Mausoleum
The Slayer Tower
Mos Le'Harmless
Mort Myre Swamp

11-Nov-2017 19:00:16 - Last edited on 11-Nov-2017 19:17:48 by NecroFangz

Nov Member 2007


Posts: 2,303 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
NecroFangz said :
Before I get into our final lore which is coming later today, there is gifting to be had!

To AoS-
The last of our resource stores: 160k, 10W, 8O, 32X, 0F, 4E, 50R

Again to Aos:
Our 5 Ships that may renamed and refitted at your leisure:
The Soul of Sorrow: 4 Combat, 1 Morale, 6 Seafaring, 1 Speed
Envy of Death: 4 Combat, 1 Morale, 6 Seafaring, 1 Speed
The Envoy of Avarice: 4 Combat, 1 Morale, 6 Seafaring, 1 Speed
The Pride of the Sanguinesti: 3 Combat, 3 Morale, 3 Seafaring, 3 Speed
The Adventurer's Lust: 2 Combat, 4 Morale, 4 Seafaring, 2 Speed

Any lands that you want of ours AoS, we freely gift them to you and wish you the best of luck!

This is what we had that you may choose from:
Burg De Rott
Port Phasmatys
Haunted Woods
The Abandoned Mine
Fenkenstrain's Castle
The Mausoleum
The Slayer Tower
Mos Le'Harmless
Mort Myre Swamp

To be fair, as a precedence set by previous clans come and gone in this community gifted lands by departing clans are not a thing. As far as I know people are aware your lands are now unclaimed.

Typically, something like this should have been made the day your clan left. Not two days after, since within those two days you were not in the community.
I'm a

11-Nov-2017 19:22:58 - Last edited on 11-Nov-2017 19:27:13 by Rizenel

Nov Member 2021


Posts: 393 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have been busy with real life so I have not had the chance to put that up, everyone seems so hasty lately! I have not received word from Epic saying that it can not be done. At this point, please hold your tongue. (I realize that may feel weird!)

EDIT: Epic messaged me saying that it was a generous thing to do, he did not say we could not do it.

11-Nov-2017 19:37:45 - Last edited on 11-Nov-2017 19:41:18 by NecroFangz

Nov Member 2007


Posts: 2,303 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If he said you can do it. Then you can, then. To be honest, did you really think it was a personal attack on you that I was just stating something based on precedence set by previous clans in this community? Hold your tongue? Not weird at all. I do it all the time, in fact. Just not quietly. :P I'm a

11-Nov-2017 20:00:43

Nov Member 2021


Posts: 393 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I did not count it as an attack. I do appreciate you bringing it up though. I know that when Astrazak left with his clan (The Silver Vigil), he gave a lot of things to Wushanko Empire before he left. I was following the trend in (hopefully) good taste.

11-Nov-2017 20:03:02 - Last edited on 11-Nov-2017 20:20:04 by NecroFangz

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