Walking on the battlefield among the rotting carcasses left behind in the hills, the air thick with the stench of a thousand decaying, humming with the countless flies feeding on the bodies of both the once living and the now dead undeads. The necromancer looking almost at home in the desolation, stopping once in a while to pick up a bloodied weapon before stopping in front of the circle at the origin of the ritual, somewhat still unscathed from the massive battle that took place several days ago.
"All this work because of you five... At least I had fun, how could a bunch of idiots cast a spell
of such largscale, wait, what the..."
Noticing a large tome in the hands of one of the corpses Mimring flicked his finger and the body sparked to life, handing him the book before turning into dust.
Opening the book and browsing a few pages Mimring would slam it shut, snapping his finger a skeleton would come out of a nearby shadow silently.
"Get this tome back in the library and make sure no one steal it this time, next time they might look for it and if they did I would be in serious troubles"
After the skeleton took the book and vanished Mimring would simply sigh and kick one of the remaining corpse before turning back and heading away from the battlefield, disappearing in the shadows.
Khan of Goshima, master of the order of the damned.
Subject of the Wushanko empire.
11-Nov-2017 20:57:44