==== Preparing for War ====
**Aboard Roving Typhoon**
Commodore Curintar read the letter he received from Admiral Thyssen Grey.
*It was time... Yet I won't be able to be a part of the action... He wants Captain Arturgon to go with Vice Admiral JP Hanson and his Stargazer to meet the Pirates.* He began writing back.
"Admiral Thyssen Grey, I will inform Captain Arturgon to make his way to meet with the Stargazer before heading out to meet the pirate threat. In the meanwhile, do you require me to lead a fleet to a location?
Commodore Curintar"
He placed the letter into an envelope. He then got another piece of parchment out.
"Brother, it is time to do what you signed up to do. I've been given orders for you and the Stargazer to prepare to travel to rout the pirate fleet. Keep me informed of your progress as best as you can, and please, please don't get yourselves destroyed! From what I gathered, this isn't a simple pirate ship... There are many of them. You're to make sure that they stay contained and destroyed. Maximum damage, minimum casualties.
Commodore Curintar"
He quickly repeated the process for the second letter as he did the first, then addressed them. He coaxed the two birds to separate and gave them a letter each, instructing them where the receiver of the letter was. He gave them a few seeds each to eat and let them out. They flew away, still paired.
He watched them fly away, feeling sad. He grumbled about wishing he was apathetic and began preparing his own ship, the Roving Typhoon, for battle...
31-Jan-2018 16:40:33