I would like to wish Euhie and Broxi all the best in their new clan and would like to thank them for being in dragon whispers for so long you will be missed.
Gratz to
Dosbox on levelling Herbalore and Attack
Helena on levelling Cooking,Agility,Ranged and Magic
HawkEyeJarrow on levelling Construction and on reaching Constitution 99
Honest Sam on levelling Woodcutting and Herbalore
IPKJOo148 on levelling Invention and reaching 26000000xp in Fishing
Meandeath on levelling Divination
Minazuke on levelling Prayer and Crafting
RawrSaidi77 on levelling Defence
Rescuerenee on levelling Summoning and Runecrafting
Suppertime on levelling Magic,Divination and Dungeoneering
Th3Balance on levelling Fishing
Zir Choco on levelling Fishing and Smithing
Well seems like I am wanted back so with who is left in clan they think we can re build it ,to do this we need all clannies that are members to help if you want this clan to grow and I know some want the citadel back open but to re open we need 5 members help to do that then we need at least 5 to cap each week to keep it open but as outlined in the clan forums to build to the tiers some clannies would like to see then a lot more clannies will need to help and cap. a clan cannot run on 2 or 3 members to keep the citadel going it does not work that way .
Hopefully we can get it going again . A new year not far away so we will get out there and start recruiting again to get this clan re built and re opened.