
90Weaps Pc v5

Quick find code: 90-91-386-65809397

Mr Moneyhold
Jun Member 2011

Mr Moneyhold

Posts: 2,431 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello and welcome to the official thread of the [90weaps Pc] friends chat.

The purpose of the friends chat is to price check Drygore weapons, seismic weapons, ascension weapons, noxious weapons and Telos Weapons. The prices used in this fc are based on the most recent GE transactions reported by users of the fc (Note: you don't need to be ranked to do this). If you wish to share your recent GE transaction, report it to the friends chat "90weaps pc" or post it on the [High Level Weapon Status] thread.

When reporting prices please first of all understand:

- Instant buys/Non instant sells use the suffix "b" and are rounded up to the nearest mill.

- Instant sells/Non instant buys use the suffix "s" and are rounded down to the nearest mill.

1.1 - Rules of the chat
1.2 - Rules of the chat
1.3 - Rules of the chat
1.4 - Voting
1.5 - Known enemies
1.6 - Kos Rules
1.7 - Rank list
1.8 - Pcing Highscores
1.9 - Titles
2.0 - Full Pcing Highscores
I bought this baby, straight cash

04-Jul-2016 07:42:15

Mr Moneyhold
Jun Member 2011

Mr Moneyhold

Posts: 2,431 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Rules of the friends chat!

Direct Manipulation:

~ If you are found out to be posting a fake transaction, you will be kicked from the fc. 2 or more rank coflicts will result in the offender being added to the KOS list as a "Manip".

Indirect Manipulation:

~ This is when you try to influence people's trading within the Fc, for example stating that an item is a good buy or sell.
Trending also falls into this category, this is when you state/ask whether an item is rising or falling.

~ If it appears that this is unintentional, you will be given a warning. If not you will be removed from the Fc. Repeated offenders will be added to the KOS list as a "manip".

~ Only report in single quantities.

To avoid being mistaken for a manipulator you must understand the following before you post an update:

~ All trades are assumed to have taken place in the GE.

~ All trades are assumed to have taken place in the last 5 minutes unless stated.

~ It is assumed that you are updating with your own transactions.

~ You must specify whether your transaction was instant or non instant.

~ It is assumed that your price is correct to the last digit.


~ Conflicts are extremely important to the fc, if you believe you have a conflict please don't be afraid to call it even if it is a rank.

~ If you do indeed have a conflict don't just say "manip", say "conflict" and state whether you conflict is a higher buy or high sell.

~ Fake conflicting is considered directly manipulating.

Kicking Manipulators:

~ In the case of a non rank conflicting a non rank, kicks will not take place, if multiple (3+) non ranks call conflict on another non rank there will be a kick, the update will be ignored in all cases.

~ In the case of a rank (1 stripe +) vs a non rank the non rank will be kicked however the person who engages the kick must make sure there is no misunderstanding (don't kick too quickly!).
I bought this baby, straight cash

04-Jul-2016 07:42:22 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2017 21:02:59 by Mr Moneyhold

Mr Moneyhold
Jun Member 2011

Mr Moneyhold

Posts: 2,431 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Screenshots are not accepted for three reasons:

~ The screenshot can be manipulated with clever use of the G/E or external software.

~ You can't prove when the transaction occurred.

~ It's against the rules of Runescape to lead people off-site.

Reporting incomplete transactions:

~ You should not do this unless it's a valid conflict, repeatedly doing this will lead to being kicked. If you don't stop you will be added to the KOS list as a "troll".

Price rounding system:

~ All prices are rounded to the million. Non instant sells/ instant buys round up, non instant buys / instant sells round down.

Asking for exacts:

~ In the past this was permitted should you of had a "potential conflict", however that rule has since changed and it is now outlawed.

Commenting on kicks:

~ Don't do this, it's not helpful, it adds to the spam the kickee may have caused and kickers can misclick your name. You will be warned, repeated offenders will be kicked and if the offender doesn't stop they will be added to the KOS list as a "troll".

Asking for kicks:

~ Don't ask for kicks in any circumstance unless you have the authority to kick, it doesn't help and it's just spam. You will be warned, repeated offenders will be kicked and if the offender doesn't stop they will be added to the KOS list as a "troll".

Off topic:

* Do not go off topic in the friends chat, there are many places to discuss prices of our items should you wish to do so. Such as the [90weaps pc] clan chat, [Clan quark] clan chat, and the [Nex and SS] clan chat. You will be warned, repeated offenders will be kicked and if the offender doesn't stop they will be added to the KOS list as a "troll". This rule is the same for ranks and non ranks.


~ Ranks are not allowed to have multiple ranked accounts in the chat regardless of your main accounts status in the chat. This was strict in the past but from now on some exceptions will be made.
I bought this baby, straight cash

04-Jul-2016 07:42:26 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2017 21:08:41 by Mr Moneyhold

Mr Moneyhold
Jun Member 2011

Mr Moneyhold

Posts: 2,431 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lobby/07/beta/comp app/Dark*cape/Ironmen/Hardcore Ironmen:

~ You cannot report from 07/beta/Dark*cape/ Ironmen/ HCIM as there's no way of using the main game's G/E.

~ Being in these places is allowed however should the fc get full you will be asked to leave with at least a 30 second warning. We kick people in these places to make room for people that can actively partake in the Fc. Ranks are excluded as they've proved they are worthy of their place in the Fc.

Free to play:

~ Anyone in a free to play world will be instantly kicked. All the items in the Fc are members only.

How to obtain a rank:

~ Ranks are obtained by being helpful within the Fc this can be done by listing prices for users of the fc and/or providing updates to the Fc. When ranking someone I will do it under my own discretion with advice from other ranks.

~Contributing the chat includes but is not limited to: Pcing, conflicting, updating,
updating the forums
, kicking, maintaining order and keeping the google doc up to date. Basically any action that has a positive effect on the chat.

* Higher ranks (Kick ranks) are obtained by continuing to be helpful, people that are ranked highly should be trustworthy too. Should any rank abuse their power report it on this thread and I will look into it. If I deem it to be necessary I will demote them.


* If you have any complaints to make about anything to do with the fc please do so on this thread.

~ Do it in a calm and constructive manner, I'm more likely to take you seriously.

No kick ranks in the fc:

~ If no kick ranks are in the fc and the chat is dysfunctional or getting spammed, please join either the clan quark clan chat, the nex and ss clan chat or
90weaps pc
clan chat there's usually a kick rank in one of these three chats.
I bought this baby, straight cash

04-Jul-2016 07:42:31 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2017 21:12:56 by Mr Moneyhold

Mr Moneyhold
Jun Member 2011

Mr Moneyhold

Posts: 2,431 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

~ This post will be used to have votes about things to do with the fc.

~ To vote you must say what idea you support within the thread. I.E [I support the idea of nyam being banned from the fc*

~ Votes will be weighted. Non ranks count as 1 vote, ranks count as 2 votes, kick ranks count as 3 votes. Should the vote have a margin of 3 or less I will decide the outcome.

~ Votes will run until the specified time. You must vote within this time or else it won't count.

Current vote:


State in your post which option you agree with, reasons for choice are welcome to.

Finishing date and time of the vote (Gmt) :

Last vote: Potential changes to the way in which prices are reported and listed.

Last vote score: - Main-hands and off-hands to be reported and listed to the nearest 100k. - 6
- Main-hands and off-hands to be reported to the nearest 100k but listed to the nearest million. - 8
- Keep it the way it is . - 45

~ If you believe I've miscalculated a vote please speak up.
I bought this baby, straight cash

04-Jul-2016 07:42:35 - Last edited on 04-Jul-2016 07:45:38 by Mr Moneyhold

Mr Moneyhold
Jun Member 2011

Mr Moneyhold

Posts: 2,431 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Known enemies of the clan (Kick on sight list):

~ The list will is held on a public google document, if you wish to see it ask in the cc for the link, or pm me/other ranks.

~ You are added to the "known enemy list" if you spam the fc, troll, manip or are a known scammer/lurer.

* To be added as a spammer the enemy must have spammed the Fc at least once.

~ To be added as a troll the enemy must have trolled several times.

* To be added as a manip the enemy must have had 2 or more rank conflicts.

~ To be added as a lurer/scammer sufficient proof must be provided.

~ If you believe your name shouldn't be on this section, post in this thread.
I bought this baby, straight cash

04-Jul-2016 07:42:39 - Last edited on 04-Jul-2016 07:45:57 by Mr Moneyhold

Mr Moneyhold
Jun Member 2011

Mr Moneyhold

Posts: 2,431 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kos List Rule Updates

- Kick ranks, you cannot kick someone for being "Kos" unless they are on the official list (the google document) If someone is pending Kos they can be kicked unless stated otherwise.

- Getting Kos for trolling: You will be on the Kos list for 3 months, ofc this is situational and can be increased or made permanent. If you wish to get off the list earlier you have to pc for 5 hours, you will be Kos until the hours are finished and will only be allowed in the Fc when you're pcing.

- Getting Kos for spamming: You will be permanently added to the Kos list if it is deemed serial, however if it's just believed to be a one off offence you will be on the list for 3 months. If you wish to get off the list earlier you have to pc for 5 hours, you will be Kos until the hours are finished and will only be allowed in the Fc when you're pcing.

- Getting Kos for manipulating/Luring/scamming: You'll be placed on the Kos list for 3months no matter what and 12months total, if you wish to get off the Kos list before the 12 months then you'll have to pc for 10 hours in the Fc, if you agree to pc for 10 hours you will only be allowed in the Fc when you wish to Pc and will still be Kos until you've completed the 10hours. Lurers/Scammers "sentences" start after they've stopped luring/scamming.

You can still appeal before the allotted time is up if you believe you shouldn't be Kos or you believe your ban should be shorter. To get off this list after the allotted time you still have to post on this thread and agree to follow the Fc rules in the future.

If you get off the list and have to be re-added your "sentence" will be doubled.
I bought this baby, straight cash

04-Jul-2016 07:42:49 - Last edited on 04-Jul-2016 07:46:28 by Mr Moneyhold

Mr Moneyhold
Jun Member 2011

Mr Moneyhold

Posts: 2,431 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Generals (9)

dw b happy
General Hard
Mr Moneyhold

Captains (3)

seo kouji

Lieutenants (3)

Mr Mf doom

Sergeants (7) ///

Lord Hardison
holy slaves
Sk- Nick
mary ellen

Corporals (4) //

elite pig2
bad rng me
nub deeps

Recruits (8) /

afk and high
i banged one
jay iz bae

Smileys (39) :)

The Titanic
Jab xD
s olve
mini sep
s z
rich danger
dr sid phd
mr scott-c
kogas inc
hunting moms
i tribrid
mark e
enigmic azn
sigh ffs
I bought this baby, straight cash

04-Jul-2016 07:42:55 - Last edited on 08-Aug-2018 20:16:04 by Mr Moneyhold

Mr Moneyhold
Jun Member 2011

Mr Moneyhold

Posts: 2,431 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Pcing Highscores

Hours taken from June 1st 2013 onwards and only derived from times posted on the forums

Fc Stats:

Creation: January 21st 2013, under the name "Drygore Pcs"

Original Fc owner: Nyam2 (January 21st 2013, - May 1st, 2016)

Total time pced since June 1st 2013 (at least): 17,470.49 hours

Total amount of pcers since June 1st 2013 (at least): 832

Most hours pced in a month since June 1st 2013 (at least): 793.08 July 2016

Highest amount of hours in a month by an individual since June 1st 2013:333.33 - General Hard

Most hours pced in a row since June 1st 2013 : 40 hours - General Hard

Overall time pcing since July 2013

1st ~ General Hard - 2415.25 hours ~

2nd~ dw b happy 1011.5 hours ~

3rd ~ Mastercutman 702 hours ~

Most hours Pced without stopping

1st ~ General Hard - 40 hours ~

2nd * Zitare - 37 hours ~

3rd ~ GhostRanger - 34 hours ~

Monthly overall time pcing November

1st ~ merryxmas xo 32 hours ~

2nd ~ furyous 26 hours ~

3rd ~ Mr mf doom 19 hours 30 minutes~

Last Updated: September
I bought this baby, straight cash

04-Jul-2016 07:42:59 - Last edited on 07-Dec-2017 07:17:23 by Mr Moneyhold

Mr Moneyhold
Jun Member 2011

Mr Moneyhold

Posts: 2,431 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Pc'ing Tournament

What is the Tournament about? People would be able to earn certain titles, given out by 90weaps pc at the end of each pc'ing cycle (end o/t month), by pc'ing and being active in the chat. For a list of the titles we suggest and how to earn those, read the end of this post.

Some titles would be earned for a longer time than just one pc'ing cycle, others will last for a month and some of them are upgradeable too. The titles are introduced for fun, for people to have a pc'ing goal if they want/need one. Current titles will be posted on this post. Gotta catch 'em all!

Possible titles to earn
PCer of the month: most hours in the month, self explanatory.
Rookie o/t/m: voted, recruit highest
Socialiser - Most split hours
It's a routine - PC every day in a month

Doubler: twice the hours of previous month with a minimum of 10 for both.
Runner up: 3 months of being in top 3 but never first
A true pcer: 3 consecutive months of 30+ hours
Veteran: 6 consecutive months of 20+ hours
Legend: 12 consecutive months of 10+ hours
It's a start: 3 consecutive months of PCing but all under 5 hours.
Welcome back: PC 10+ hours after 3 or more months off
Generally Hard: beat Gen 3 months in a row
Spartan: 300 hrs total in the last 12 months to date.

Current held titles:

PCer of the month: Roofer
Rookie of the month: To be voted on
Socialiser: Jimmm / Lwut / General Hard
Spartan: Furyouss, Smilewithme, Rhustee
I bought this baby, straight cash

04-Jul-2016 07:43:03 - Last edited on 09-Nov-2017 19:48:47 by Mr Moneyhold

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