Hello everyone as stated in the clan chat i have left slayroom due to the fact of going to a more boss orented clan.
I would like to thank the following people Coachc,Matz,Mimz,Drew Without you guys i would never have been allowed to join such a great clan back then, The amout of information and help i recived from you guys ( and girls Mimz <3) and the rest of the clan to help build me to the player i am today is uncompairable to anything in my rs playing days.
I would also like to say sorry to anyone that i let down or made upset when i left i know that most of you reading this will say "well if you like the clan that much you would not have left" and this could not be more false i will always be a slayroom member for as long as i play even if im not in the clan any longer i will never forget the joys i have had playing with you all. On that note i hope you all keep me added as a friend and i will understand if i am deleted, please if there is anything you guys need be it assists, help for a anticrash, or to help get a world i dont care how big or small please do not hesitate to pm me and give me a call i will always be willing to help a slayroom player.
Thanks for reading this and i wish you all the very best.
Your friend
Standard A G.
11-Jan-2012 03:03:31