I'm leaving this post just in case anyone still reads the forums and/or cares. I have grown very bored with Runescape and I am discontinuing my membership. I understand that I have been a council member for this clan for some time now, but feel free to revoke my administration ranking. I feel it is time for me to move on with my life and put this childish game behind me.
You may see me on from time to time here in the next couple of days, but as of June 5th, I doubt that you will see much of me, if at all.
Coach, I'd love to be able to keep in touch with you somehow, I'll try to catch you in-game, but if I don't, then so be it.
May Slayroom (and Jj) live forever,
-Jj Bail Pl0x
-Jj Md2b
30-May-2011 03:05:19