Ah yes, the big question, RSB clans. Well, honestly, RSB clans are simply large clans that do the same thing as all the clans here, they fight in clan wars. We should not ban RSB clans simply based on the fact that they are RSB, because if you think about it, as you know, EOZ and Bloodlines are pretty much the two largest and most powerful clans in this Coalition at the moment, each with well over 100 members. Now let's say you two continue to increase in power, to the point where you have as much strength as the RSB clans, if you do not already of course. Are you going to kick yourself out? The reason in my opinion that people do not want RSB clans here, is because they're large and powerful, of course I can be wrong on that, but that is my thought of why people do not want them here. Furthermore, if that is the reason, my point above, if a clan that is already here reaches that level of strength, are we really going to kick them out?
So in short, if they follow the rules, show up to wars, etc... They should be allowed here. If the other clans do not like the RSB clan, they can very easily band together to eliminate them in war, which is how things use to be done, in war, not all over a thread, banning (Again in my opinion from my point of view) clans that are stronger than the others. There should be nothing to fear, no clan is undefeatable, if properly fought.
That is where I stand on RSB clans.
28-Mar-2012 23:17:33