History heard from randoms? I spent quite a lot of time with your "oldies" during the times of my numerous alliances; I think I can tell the history that went on between them before I became involved in World 31.
May I also add, that although I wasn't around when World 31 started, anyone and everyone who has actually participated in some aspect of the League theoretically was a part of it's ever-so-important history? It'd be a insult to the League's memory to say that the time period from December 2010 to the last days of the League were insignificant history. It was the decisions that every leader in the League made that resulted in each event, each consequence, and wholly, the final result of the league; its "ending".
With that said, do I believe that everyone is significant in some way? Yes; I do. However, some clans were more influential than others, and it would be a very big misconception to say that only the "veteran" members of World 31 deserve some gilded respect. There are people not even known to new members of the league who have done much more than other, better-known members of the league. It's all in the perspective you take, I presume, however, do be conscious that the "veterans" of World 31, however concentrated in the history of World 31 they might be, are not the only significant figures and "players" in the story.
01-Mar-2012 03:01:47
- Last edited on
01-Mar-2012 03:05:06
Hank Hill I