Your ideas for managing the world really aren't that bad. The only thing really wrong with it is you two are fools for making this about who has the bigger army. Yes, so what, we all know you are the powerhouse here when it comes to military strength. But, you still need us just as much as we need you. If you really think that you can make this new ultimatum by crushing us you are foolish, and you are tenfold more foolish if you think we are gonna surrender to your threats.
No clans here will accept your ultimatum. If you go through with your threat, you will fight us in Clan Wars, and we will either be humiliated and disband, or just humiliated and don't disband. If we end up disbanding, then we never accept your ultimatum because we have ceased to exist, and all you'll have is a government for 2 clans. Or, if we are defeated, but our clans still remain in tact, we still won't have to accept your ultimatum just because you defeated us. Your ultimatum will go no where, and the World won't benefit, save for one war that will actually get fought.
Roi and Hank, for the sake of all thats good and 'holy', please stop with this ultimatum. We really need to come to a decission in unity on what our new system will be. Forcing things on pepole won't get us anywhere. We saw that in the First W31 Council, the Second World 31 Council, The Republic, The second Republic, The League, and even the Coalition. If we want to save the world this time, we NEED to do things intelligently, and look at the facts proven by history. We can't just create new rules based on our pre-created notions from the past. We need to be OPEN-MINDED.
P.S: Shut up Ozz, stop thinking you call the shots anymore.
19-Mar-2012 16:47:39