Road to completion 4,000 Chompy kills Quest Required: The Chompy Bird Quest.
Since the non-trimmed version requires tasks mostly performed by the individual and the trimmed can be at a distance for us all, we chose to select items we can do as a clan to edge our way closer to the Trimmed Completionist Cape as a clan. One of the requirements is the wonderful 4000 Chompies.
We will meet on Thursdays at 3 PM Eastern time at the pond where the toads hop (west of Rantz's cave.) You will need the following items:
* Ogre bow/ogre composite bow (makes one or puchases)
* Best range armour you can
* Brutal arrows seem to work best (make or purchase)
* Bellows (Rantz's cave if you have misplaced your original one)
You will be able to know when it is "your chompy" because of the arrow over its head...this will only be visible to you.
You will sometimes discover 3 chompys headed for your bloated ready
There are several ways to get to a bank from this area to clear your inventory. Fairy Ring, run the new spa lodestone, or by glider. Come one come all...any and everyone is welcome to join in the hunt. Why go at 4000 Chompies alone when you can do it with some clannys? Trust me..its so much more fun when you do it with others!
08-Jul-2014 22:07:42
- Last edited on
08-Jul-2014 22:28:16