Post-Quest Tasks:
Unlocked all routes in the Balloon Transport System
Given Xenia all of Blood Pact’s demon statuettes
Completed Broken Home post-quest challenges and opened all chests
Completed 5 supply runs after Death Plateau
Given the Apothecary Herbi Flax's diary
Found all Enchanted Key treasures
Fully enchanted your broomstick after Swept Away
Cured Razmire Keelgan and Ulsquire Shauncy after Shades of Mort'ton
Unlock the full power of the Ivandis Flail
Caught Thalassus 10 times
Delivered 25 chimp ices
Unlocked the Ogre bowman hat (killed 30 Chompies)
- This is the second exception. Due to the nature of the task and minimal reward at the end we are not including the highest-tier chompy hat.
Engraved all of Dororan's jewelery
Kill the Cave Wolf Matriarch again for Claus the chef after Carnillean Rising.
Unlocked the ability to purchase full white armour
Put Arrav to rest after ROTM
Unlocked all Rogue Trader merchandise
Open the Dragon Forge
Killed Tarn Razorlor
Fully upgraded Pig Creation machine
Killed all post-Smoking Kills bosses
Gained access to Contraband Yak Produce
All Wilderness spirit realm portals unlocked
Rogue trader freed
Unlocked all the Eagle Transport routes
Returned Mabel's Ring after Love Story, and chop down the Guard’s tree
Fully looted Movario's base
Opened Uglug's Stuffies store
Paid respects and lit the torches in Guthix's shrine
Unlocked the Dorgesh-Kaan food trading mini**me
Unlocked the crystal teleport seed's teleport to Temple of Light after Within the Light
Unlocked the post-quest rewards of Tamayu, Tinsay and Tiadeche
Return the wedding ring after The Light Within
Claim a mining helmet from Mistag after The Lost Tribe
Unlocked the Ourania Teleport spell
Free Droalak after Making History
Unlocked the fairy ring in the Ancient Cavern
30-Oct-2015 03:27:52