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The Kalphite Queen (KQ) has 2 forms, of which both pray (but the prayign part does not mean they are unvulnerable, it simply indicates that they have greater defence against those forms of attacks. For example, in c wars you can still hit through and own the praying noobs):

-First Form: Giant Beetle
The Queen uses protect from range and magic together.

-Second Form Giant Wasp
The queen uses protect from melee

-What u SHOULD wear:
Full Veracs
legends, god or skill cape
barrow gloves, gauntlets or vamps
any metal (addy recomended) or climbing boots
glory or strength ammy
dueling ring

-What SHOULD be in your inventory
DD++ (knowns as DDS)
Rope (2 if going solo!)
Shantay Pass
Antiposion (4)
Prayer Potion (4)
elf crystal/home tele tab

I STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU GOT WITH A PARTNER!!! (groups of 3 are acceptable, bue no more!!!)

I will assume that you know how to get to her.

Before u use the second rope, drink ur super set and put on ur protect from mage and protect item prayer on. Then use rope on the hole and climb down.

When you and your team see her start attacking her (duh). You and ur partner must stand at opposite sides, because if u dont, 1 range attack will hit both of you, meaning she will attack more, u will be hit more and u will most likely be owned. Here i advise you o use some key words me and my partner use. If someone says "move" you both move so that u 2 are in opposite side of kq. If someone says "switch" u 2 switch places (say this when the kalphite soldier is attacking u). If someone says "tele" u both tele.

The Queen is easy to beat, eat when your hp hits less than 500 and tele if u have 2. Once she is dead, go around her lair and pick the potato cactus before teleing 5 spawcs, you can get 10 before she appears.

31-May-2011 00:53:48



Posts: 1,178 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

(Also read: Knowledge Base; Location: Main Menu > Manual > RuneScape Minigames > Shades of Mort'ton)

Well, as many people are wondering, how do u burn shades?

Well, before u do anything, u MUST do the "Shades of Mort'ton" quest.

Now, on to shade burning.....

~~~ Mort'ton is overrun by shades. Theyre everywhere. These lost soulds need to be sent to the otherworld of the spirits, and youre gonna help them. ~~~

First, you must understand how to burn them. What you need is #1- remains of the shade, #2- pyre logs, #3 a site to burn them.

#1- all u do is kill a shade. not that hard. they can be found in mort'ton or in a dungeon near mort'ton (will be explained later)

#2- pyre logs are logs of any kind that have been soaked in a sort of "holy oil" so to speak. after building the temple (will be explained later)and getting your sanctity up by either reinforcing the temple or killing shades around the temple, you will be able to light the sacred flame. Use olive oil on the flame to get the holy oil.

#3- there are pyres all around mortton. theyre easy to find.

To burn them, just use the pyre logs on the pyre, put the shade remains on that, then light it ablaze with a tinderbox.


Temple building-

What you need is a hammer and a few thousand gp. Go to BUILDERS store in morton and buy TIMBER and limestone BRICKS. (you need Serum 207 to speak to the shop owner, to make you need Tarromin leaves and ash. Once made use the serum on the shop keeper)

All you do is use these on the temple and your character will build it.

31-May-2011 00:54:13



Posts: 1,178 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile


Barbarian Assault is a teamwork game that needs 5 players. The aim of the game is to pass through 10 waves of different Penance monsters and then finally, killing the Penance Queen. There are 4 different roles and each team needs at least one of each, the 4 different roles are: attacker, defender, collecter, healer. I strongly suggest your team has 1 attacker, 1 defender, 1 collecter and 2 healers.

When you start the game you get a horn. You have to look at the top-right of your screen, blow the horn, and select the option next to the mouth symbol. This tells one of your team mates what to do. This is how it goes:

Attacker and Collecters tell each other,
Defenders and Healers tell each other.

What you have to do is next to the ear symbol in the top-right of the screen, so this is what it should show:

Attackers - The attack style to use (accurate, agressive, defensive, controlled)
Defenders - The type of bait to use (worms, tofu, crackers)
Collectors - The type of eggs to pick up (blue, green, red)
Healers - The type of poison to use (poisoned worms, poisoned tofu, poisoned meat)

Using the wrong attack style/bait/egg/poison will result in you taking damage, so make sure you and your team use the horn quickly every time it changes.

By playing your role well you gain points in your role, see the rewards section further down to see what you can spend it on.

Note that you can't wear a cape in the minigame.


Games necklace takes you straight there, this is easily the best way to get there. The nearest town is Ardougne

31-May-2011 00:54:33



Posts: 1,178 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

A breif description of each role:

Job - The Collecter's job is to pick up the correct coloured eggs that the monsters drop. You must then load the eggs into one of the 2 egg-launchers.
Equipment - Your best melee defence armour (rune-barrows recommended)
Queen - Pick up the yellow egg that the Queen drops. Give the egg to the Healer. Take the omega egg from the defender, load into the egg-launcher... FIRE!

Job - The Healer has 2 jobs. 1 is to heal all of your team-mates. You do this by using the vial on the green spring, and then using this on other players. The other job is to kill Penance Healers. You do this by using the correct poison on them.
Equipment - Your best melee defence armour (rune-barrows recommended)
Queen - Take the yellow egg from the Collecter, use on the green bubbling poools (not the healing pool). Give the egg to the Attacker.

Job - The Attacker's job is to kill all of the Penance Rangers and Penance Fighters using the correct attack style.
Equipment - Your best weapon, your best melee defence armour (rune-barrows recommended), optional - super sets, etc
Queen - Take the poisoned egg from the Healer, take spikes off the mushrooms, and use on the egg. Give the egg to the Defender.

Job - The Defender's job is to trap the Penance Runner's in the traps using the correct bait.
Equipment - Your best melee defense armour (rune-barrows recommended)
Queen - Take the poisoned spiked egg from the Attacker, use it on the bubbling lava pools. Give the egg to the collector.


There are 3 different egg colors, blue, green and red.

Green - Poison
Red - Explosive
Blue - Stun

Anybody can fire these at any type of Penance Monster. This is an alternative way to kill monsters

31-May-2011 00:54:59



Posts: 1,178 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

PART 1 - Basic Info

- What is it for?
..... It gives very fast thieving experience plus some small profit and a chance of finding Pharaoh Sceptres.

- Is it a safe minigame?
..... NO, you can get killed and lose your items!

- How to get there?
..... P* is located in Sophanem, in the desert, in the pyramid closest to city gates.
..... The fastest way is to use Pharaoh Sceptre, the first teleport option - Jalsavrah.
..... Or you can take magic carpet from Shanty Pass to Pollnivneach and another one from Pollnivneach to Sophanem.
..... Or you can simply walk through the desert.

- What is necessary to play this minigame?
..... You need to start Ic**larin's Little Helper Quest to get acces to the city.
..... Thieving level 21+.

- What is useful to play this Minigame?
..... Having finished Contact! quest gives acces to bank in Sophanem.
..... Light gear is recommended so that you can run longer.
..... 1 - 3 Antipoison potions might be useful as snakes and scarabs are poisonous. But the poison is quite weak and starts with 30 hp damage.
..... Some food.
..... A weapon.

- What is NOT recomended?
..... Heavy armour as it slows you down.
..... Snake charm. You will receive less experience if you use it.
..... A lockpick. In theory it should rise your chance of opening doors inside the pyramid. But if you do NOT take it, you will recieve twice more experience for opening doors. So take it only if your thieving level is low and you often fail opening doors.

31-May-2011 00:55:28



Posts: 1,178 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
PART 2 - Inside the Pyramid

The Pyramid has 4 doors, one at each side. But only one leads you to the entrance. Which one? It changes "randomly" so you have to try entering all doors untill you find the guardian mummy inside.
..... Sometimes you can get hit while opening the door. Just try again.
..... For fast acces to the mummy you can use Pharaoh Sceptre.
..... For quick acces to the minigame right-click on the mummy.
..... The mummy can recharge your Pharaoh Sceptre in exchange for 24 pottery or ivory artifacts, 12 stone or 6 gold artifacts found in the pyramid.

Note: The Guardian Mummy will only do this when you have no more charges on the sceptre. It doesn't have to be wielded to operate it.

You have only 5 minutes for each game so be quick!

The pyramid has 8 rooms. The first one requires thieving level 21. Each subsequent room requires thieving level 10 points higher than the room before, so the 8th room requires thieving level 91. Higher rooms give you better experience. Each room starts with a wall trap. You must deactivate it. After you pass it, you will get acces to:

- 1 chest in the middle with 1 normal artifact or Pharaoh Sceptre. The chest might contain a swarm of poisonous scarabs (in this case you get no experience).

- 1 sarcophagus with 1 normal artifact or Pharaoh Sceptre. It can take a long time to open it! Unlike other objects, you get strength, not thieving experience for opening sarcophagi. You might awake an aggresive mummy. Unlike scarabs, the mummy will be highly aggresive to any other players if you don't kill (?) it! It is possible to get attacked by a mummy awakened by someone else, which is very irritating.

31-May-2011 00:55:56



Posts: 1,178 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
13 urns with normal artifacts. Urns do NOT contain Pharaoh Sceptres but they give A LOT of experience. They always contain poisonous snakes. The chance of succesful looting the urn depands on your thieving level and what is the level of room you're in. You can just loot the urn without being bitten. If you see you fail often, then the best way is to right-click the urn and search for snakes first, then loot the urn. This way is safer but costs a little more time. After finding a snake, the chance of succesful looting the urn rises greatly.
..... Exp. gained for looting urns WITHOUT searching for snakes first is THE SAME as summarized exp. gained for searching urns for snakes and looting them afterwards.
..... Alternatively you can charm a snake, after finding it, using a snake charm obtained in Pollnivneach. This is the safest way but gives you LESS experience than in both cases above so it is not recomended.

- 4 similar doors. One of them leads to a next room. It's your task to find the correct one. From time to time you might find all 4 doors open with no succes. It means the correct door changed while you were trying them. In this case just try them again.

- 1 other door for quick exit from the pyramid.

PART 3 - The Treasures

In the pyramid you can find:
..... Normal artifacts: ivory combs, stone and gold seals, pottery, stone and gold scarabs, pottery, stone and gold statuettes. You get more valuable artifacts in higher rooms.
..... The Pharaoh Sceptre. It's tradable. Current GE price is 422k. It is a VERY rare item. With 99 thieving I got only 4. I know someone else with 96 thieving who got only 5 Sceptres.
..... The Sceptre has 3 charges and can teleport you to PP minigame, Agility Pyramid or outside Ancient Pyramid (where you switch magic books). It can be recharged.
..... If you're lucky and get the Sceptre, the guardian mummy apears and takes you out of the pyramid at once.

31-May-2011 00:57:50



Posts: 1,178 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You can use artifacts to recharge your Sceptre(s) or sell them to Simon Templeton at the Agility Pyramid. If you finished Dealing with Scabaras Quest, he will accept noted artifacts, except for gold ones. You can also sell him the Sceptre although I don't know anybody who did this so I have no idea how much cash you can get from him. Prices (in gp) of normal artifacts sold to Simon are as follows:

Ivory comb 50
Pottery scarab 75
Pottery statuette 100
Stone seal 150
Stone scarab 175
Stone statuette 200
Gold seal 750
Gold scarab 1000
Gold statuette 1250

PART 4 - Example

When my thieving level was 81-90 I could get around 15k-16k thieving exp. every 5-6 minutes. Since my thieving is 91+, I can get 17k-19k exp. every 5-6 minutes.
I do it this way: As fast as I can I run to the 7th room (the next to last I can get to), looting chests on my way. If scarabs apear, I ignore them. When I reach 7th room I start looting urns (usually 3 - 9) until the time bar reaches letter "q" in word "required" on the information window (that's around 2.5 - 3 minutes from start). Then I loot the chest and go to the last room. Now I start looting all urns (in the last room I almost always search for snakes first), observing the time bar. Before time is out I loot the last chest. I try to avoid fighting anything as it only consumes time.

I drop all artifacts but the gold ones. Gold seals I keep in bank for recharging my sceptres. Gold scarabs and statuettes I sell to Simon.

Playing this minigame with a group of people might be a very good idea because when you see someone finds correct door you can just follow to that door and almost always it will work for you too, unless it changes before you reach the door. So playing in a group usually speeds up the game, which means more exp per minute. But there is a risk as other people might open sarcophagi and awaken mummies. In this case you can switch world or use prot. from melee prayer.

31-May-2011 00:58:15



Posts: 1,178 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

The Great Orb Project can be found at the Runecrafting Guild. The Runecrafting Guild is located in the wizard tower's 2nd floor. There is a portal on the wall. It requires 50 Runecrafting to enter.

There are two teams, Green and Yellow. If you want to join the Green Team, you will talk to Wizard Acantha who is located in the North-Western Part. If you want to join the Yellow Team, you will talk to Wizard Vief who is located in the North-Eastern Part. If this is your first time playing, you have to listen to how to play before you may begin. You have to have your Right and Left hand solts open and as well as your head.

Once you join a team, a timer will appear. You will have the color hat, the color of the hat depends on what team your on. You will be given an attactor, repel, and the barrier wand. The attactor wand will bring the orb to you, the repel wand will push it away from you as well push any of the other teams away, and the barrier makes barriers which orbs can not pass through. The barriers can be torn down by either team.

You will enter a series of alters. All you need to do is get your colored orb one space close to the alter and it will disappear, reset, and you get a point for your team. There is a time limit so work as a team. The team who gets the most points wins the round. When a round is finished, you'll be given Pure essence to either craft or you can hold on to til another alter. A portal will open and it will take you to the next alter.

There are 8 alters that you will go to, 6 if it is non members. When you are done with all 8 alters, you will be placed back at the runecrafting guild. You keep the runes you crafted and will be given Runecrafting Guild Tokens. You get 100 tokens per round you win and you'll get more than that when finished.

There is a person named Wizard Elriss who is located in the South part of the guild. You can turn in your tokens with her and get prizes.

31-May-2011 00:58:33



Posts: 1,178 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The prizes and the Runecrafting Guild Tokens required are as followed...

~~~ Talismans ~~~
Air: 50
Mind: 50
Water: 50
Earth: 50
Fire: 50
Body: 50
Cosmic: 125
Nature: 125
Law: 125

~~~ Runecrafter Robes, Hats and Gloves ~~~
*They come in Blue, Yellow, and Green*
Hat: 1,000
Robe: 1,000
Bottom: 1,000
Gloves: 1,000

~~~ Tablets of Teleportation ~~~
*The tablets teleport you to the alter*
Air: 30
Mind: 32
Water: 34
Earth: 36
Fire: 37
Body: 38
Cosmic: 39
Chaos: 40
Astral: 41
Nature: 42
Law: 43
Death: 44
Blood: 45
Runecrafting Guild: 15

~~~ Miscellaneous ~~~
Talisman Staff: 10,000
Pure Essence: 1

31-May-2011 00:58:55

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