Barbarian Assault is a teamwork game that needs 5 players. The aim of the game is to pass through 10 waves of different Penance monsters and then finally, killing the Penance Queen. There are 4 different roles and each team needs at least one of each, the 4 different roles are: attacker, defender, collecter, healer. I strongly suggest your team has 1 attacker, 1 defender, 1 collecter and 2 healers.
When you start the game you get a horn. You have to look at the top-right of your screen, blow the horn, and select the option next to the mouth symbol. This tells one of your team mates what to do. This is how it goes:
Attacker and Collecters tell each other,
Defenders and Healers tell each other.
What you have to do is next to the ear symbol in the top-right of the screen, so this is what it should show:
Attackers - The attack style to use (accurate, agressive, defensive, controlled)
Defenders - The type of bait to use (worms, tofu, crackers)
Collectors - The type of eggs to pick up (blue, green, red)
Healers - The type of poison to use (poisoned worms, poisoned tofu, poisoned meat)
Using the wrong attack style/bait/egg/poison will result in you taking damage, so make sure you and your team use the horn quickly every time it changes.
By playing your role well you gain points in your role, see the rewards section further down to see what you can spend it on.
Note that you can't wear a cape in the minigame.
Games necklace takes you straight there, this is easily the best way to get there. The nearest town is Ardougne
31-May-2011 00:54:33