Display Name: Chip_2123
Nickname: Chip
F2p or P2p?: P2P
How did you learn about us?:Forums
What do you do like to do most in-game?: (PVM/PVP, skilling, questing, other): minigames
Anything else we should know?: lost access to my first account, had to start over
Timezone: (GMT+/- X): GMT-7
Age: (optional) 29
Gender: (optional) Male
Display Name: Miracle Lube
Nickname: Miracle
F2p or P2p?: P2P
How did you learn about us?: Forums
What do you do like to do most in-game?: (PVM/PVP, skilling, questing, other): Skilling/Questing
Anything else we should know?:
Timezone: (GMT+/- X): EST
Age: (optional)
Gender: (optional) Helicopter
Display Name: SmackMahPony
Nickname: Smack
F2p or P2p?: P2P
How did you learn about us?: Browsing the forums
What do you do like to do most in-game?: (PVM/PVP, skilling, questing, other): PVM, Skilling, Bossing
Anything else we should know?: Recently got into RS3 coming from OSRS.
Timezone: (GMT+/- X): CST
Age: (optional) 27
Gender: (optional) Male
Display Name: Warwick Ozan
Nickname: Warwick
F2p or P2p?: p2p
How did you learn about us?: Clan Board
What do you do like to do most in-game?: (PVM/PVP, skilling, questing, other): PVM, skilling questing
Anything else we should know?:
Timezone: (GMT+/- X): GMT+10
Display Name: ksupremez
Nickname: supreme
F2p or P2p?: p2p
How did you learn about us?: looking for a clan to join and came across the clan on forum
What do you do like to do most in-game?: (PVM/PVP, skilling, questing, other): I like to do a mix of all
Anything else we should know?: I’m a cool person
Timezone: (GMT+/- X): GMT-4
Age: (optional) 22
Gender: (optional) male