It started off with a few select Members in a clan called "Saradomins Immortal Lords." After a successful war victory, a meeting was called for all who was deemed worthy to go.
At the meeting, the clans issues were discussed. The leader, "S u p e r 71" was too "proud" to let anyone make changes, even if they were completely necassary, but he left the Clan to D Mulkey, when he went on Vacation. Certain Members at the meeting saw this as an oppurtunity to take over the clan, and make the changes that were needed. Some of the Leaders backed up Super, but the majority wanted change.
They voted on the new leaders as D Mulkey, Drag Pkar, and Elysiian. It took a lot to convince Mulkey to take the Clan Chat, among the people who persuaded was The Renaissance, TheSmurf, and Drag Pkar. They then began to make changes, and took over the Clan Chat. They then realized, why not make a completely new clan with all the members gained? They spent the night discussing the Clan Details and came up with a name. Knights of Vengeance.
The clan had one main goal... to destroy the clan they had broke from. The Clan was very prosperous for 3 months, they had a draw against RSB Clan, Knights of Light, to boost the Clans morale. SIL ended up dying... but so was the Knights of Vengeance.
Drag Pkar, one of the Leaders never got active enough to do anything for the clan after 2 weeks. TheSmurf, who was a huge influence in the Clan dissapeared. Elysiian, and Mulkey were getting in to arguements daily and the rest of the Clan was getting inactive. Elysiian then resigned, leaving Mulkey to try and get KoV back on its feet.
The attempt failed. He took the remaining members and merged with Reborn Legacy. Reborn Legacy stayed very strong for a while, but disbanded.
Mulkey and Smurf, after almost a year of not talking, discussed the KoV and how successful it was. They decided to make the reformation, to try and make it what it once was.
10-Aug-2011 04:39:31
- Last edited on
10-Aug-2011 05:44:55