±¥±Ranged Specifications±¥±
80+ Ranged
Head: Verac’s, Guthan’s, Torag’s Helm
Body: Armadyl, Karil’s, Black D’hide (Morrigan for those who can use it)
Legs: Armadyl, Karil’s, Black D’hide (Morrigan for those who can use it)
Boots: Ranger, Dragon, Infinity
Neck: Fury, Glory, Ranging
Weapon: Rune Crossbow, Red Chinchompas2, Handcannon3, Dragon Spear1
Shield: DFS, Dragon Sq, Obby, Mages Book
Ammo: Runite Bolts, Diamond (e) (whichever you can afford)
Cape: Fire Cape, Skillcape, God Cape
1: Bring a Dragon Spear to the war for use of its special attack if you don’t have a weapon that uses it, it stuns enemies for 3 seconds, allowing them to be piled.
2: If you are ranging, bring a few hundred Red Chinchompas to hit multiple enemies
3: If you are using a handcannon, if is advised you bring a good shield with a rune crossbow for tanking enemies, since they WILL pile you.
±¥±Melee specifications±¥±
75+ Defence. Strength, Attack
Sets: Verac, Dharok, Guthan, Statius, Vesta
Head: Statius, Verac’s, Torag’s, Guthan’s
Body: Statius, Vesta’s, Torag’s, Karil’s5/Black D’hide
Legs: Statius, Vesta’s, Verac’s Torag’s
Weapon: GodSword, Dragon Claws, Abyssal Whip4, Saradomin Sword, Zamorakian Spear/Dragon Spear1
Shield: DFS, Spirit Shield, Rune Defender, Obsidian Shield, Rune Berserker Shield
Cape: Fire, Skill, Legends, God, Obsidian
Boots: Dragon, Bandos
Neck: Fury, Glory
1: Bring a Dragon Spear or Zamorakian Spear to the war for use of its special attack if you don’t have a weapon that uses it, it stuns enemies for 3 seconds, allowing them to be piled.
4: When using an Abyssal Whip, be SURE to bring a good shield or defender.
5: Bring Ranged body armour in case you happen to come across a mage
10-Aug-2011 04:30:53
- Last edited on
10-Aug-2011 05:16:31