
Knights of Vengeance 85+ [T2]

Quick find code: 87-88-500-63086872



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;;::...¸‹•*°°*•›¸ `›„¸¸¸„‹•*°*•,.:::.¸‹•*°ˆ ;:..Wèlçømë †ð..:; ˆ°*•›¸.:::.,•*°*•›„¸¸¸„‹´ ¸‹•*°°*•›¸...::;;
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†‡†‡Basic Information‡†‡†
¤Clan Chat: K O V (spaces)
¤Leaders: D Mulkey, Blood Bath2, Elysiian(On Leave atm)
¤Meeting House: Citadel in use.
¤Homeworlds: 85.
¤Number of Members: 58.
¤Combat Level Average: 105.
¤War Record: 0-0-0
¤Timezone: Eastern (EST)
¤Recruitment: Accepting Applications
¤85+ F2P combat, OR 90+ magic with 70 defense OR 90+ ranged with 70 defense
Welcome to Knights of Vengeance's First recruitment thread! Here at KoV we focus on having fun in RuneScape, we do all kinds of events and activities, warring, skilling, or anything in-between. We have strong leadership, effective ranking system, have existed for only a few months, but these few months have been of prosperity.
In KoV, we are a very large family, we don’t care about how many members we have, just as long as we have a great time with each other and in a clan. We make sure everyone has their fair share, and try to have everyone’s voice be heard.

10-Aug-2011 04:27:53 - Last edited on 12-Sep-2011 02:21:28 by Mulkey



Posts: 5,816 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
...,'.::………………Knights of Vengeance 85+……………..::.',
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10-Aug-2011 04:28:01 - Last edited on 10-Aug-2011 05:07:11 by Mulkey



Posts: 5,816 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
•º”º•«»•º”ºTable of Contents•º”º•«»•º”º•
1.1¤ Introduction
1.2¤ Logo
1.3¤ Table of Contents
1.4¤ Event List
1.5¤ Government
1.6¤ Government
1.7¤ Clan Rules
1.8¤ Member List
1.9¤ Member List
1.10¤ Banned Member list
2.1¤ Invitation
2.2¤ Application
2.3¤ Alliance Request
2.4¤ Diplomacy
2.5¤ Event Attendence Form
2.6¤ Absence Notice
2.7¤ PvP Gear
2.8¤ PvP Gear
2.9¤ Trial System
2.10¤ Acceptance Letter
3.1¤ Honorable Mention
3.2¤ Honorable Mention
3.3¤ Reserved
3.4¤ Reserved
3.5¤ Reserved
3.6¤ Reserved
3.7¤ Reserved
3.8¤ Reserved
3.9¤ Reserved
3.10¤ Reserved
4.1¤ Clan History
4.2¤ Reserved
4.3¤ Reserved
4.4¤ Reserved
4.5¤ Reserved
4.6¤ Reserved
4.7¤ Reserved
4.8¤ Reserved
4.9¤ Reserved
4.10¤ Reserved

10-Aug-2011 04:28:01 - Last edited on 10-Aug-2011 23:40:16 by Mulkey



Posts: 5,816 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Event: Clan Wars
Time: 8 PM (EST)
World: 85
Meet at: Gamer's Grotto
Risk Level: 0
Event: Stealing Creations
Time: 8 PM (EST)
World: 85
Meet at: Gamer's Grotto
Risk Level: 0
Event: Barbarian Assault
Time: 8 PM (EST)
World: 85
Meet at: Barbarian Outpost
Risk Level: 0
Event: Penguin Hide and Seek
Time: 8 PM (EST)
World: 60
Meet at: Lumbridge
Risk Level: 0
Event: Castle Wars
Time: 8 PM (EST)
World: 85
Meet at: Castle Wars Lobby
Risk Level: 0
Event: Bandos Godwars
Time: 8 PM (EST)
World: TBD
Meet at: Warrior's Guild
Risk Level: 7

10-Aug-2011 04:28:01 - Last edited on 19-Sep-2011 02:21:54 by Mulkey



Posts: 5,816 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
†Ranks† Are based on activity, event attendence, being social and behavior.
† Once every month the clan will begin a vote for 5 nobles(Bronze Star).
† Once every 2 months the clan will begin a vote for 3 magistrates (Silver Star)
† Once every 3 months the clan will begin a vote for a King/Queen (Gold Star)
†Nobles- Their job is to monitor all clan activities such as; clan chat, events, bump the forum, and assist members all while being friendly and mature.
†Magistrates- Their job is to make sure Nobles are doing their jobs, hold events, communicate with other clans, monitor chat, bump the forum, keep the peace.
†King- His/Her job is to hold the clan together in times of need and to override Nobles and Magistrates. The King is expected to be the most responsible and helpful person in the clan. His/Her job is to handle war, hold events, communicate with other clans, monitor chat, bump the forum, keep the peace, help the founders decide rules, speak for the members of the clan, and to be the rock that will hold the clan together.
†Voting for Rules†
†Nobles are expected to be the officials in the clan who can speak for the members. If they feel a rule is to be passed they must vote in an official meeting that is announced for all to know about. The vote MUST BE A MAJORITY VOTE(3/5 votes). It is then passed to the Magistrates.
†Magistrates will then review the vote and the reasoning for the vote. They will also hold a seperate meeting that must be known to the clan. This must also BE A MAJORITY VOTE (2/3).
†The King/Queen will then himself/herself decide if he/she agrees with the vote. If agreed the King/Queen will bring the decision to the Founders,
†The Founders will then do their job as seen fit. It is the Founders job to do what is best for the clan. If the vote is deemed fit it will be put into immediate action the day after.

10-Aug-2011 04:28:03 - Last edited on 10-Aug-2011 05:09:48 by Mulkey



Posts: 5,816 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
†† D Mulkey
†† Elysiian
-Lead and govern the clan.
†† Blood Bath2
-Handles all clan matters along with the Founders.

†† TemplarsFate
†† KOV Exiled
-Assist in leading the clan. Also act as thread and chat monitors, CAN kick.
†† KOV Rockers
†† Smozy
-Assist in leading the clan. Also act as monitors for thread and chat, CAN kick.
†† D Mulkey
-Directs clan members during wars, CAN accept, decline, or make wars.
‡‡Event Coordinator‡‡
†† TemplarsFate
-In-charge of making event lists.
†† TemplarsFate
‡‡Chat Monitors‡‡

-Monitor chat, settle arguments, enforce rules.
†† KOV Exiled
-Our representative to other clans.
‡‡‡‡Powers of Clan members‡‡‡‡
»««»Powers of government officials«»»«
†Main Leaders (Presidents)†
Kick in chat
Accept new members
Ban members
Hold the thread
Declare wars/Accept wars/Decline wars
Kick in chat
Accept new members
Hold the thread (in a state of emergency)
Be part of a jury in a trial
Kick in chat
Accept new members
Be part of a jury in a trial
†Powers of regular clan members†
Accept new members
Be part of a jury in a trial
Accept new members
Be part of a jury in a trial
Be part of a jury in a trial

10-Aug-2011 04:28:03 - Last edited on 16-Sep-2011 01:22:26 by Mulkey



Posts: 5,816 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
‡Clan Rules‡
1.Obey all Jagex rules
2.Don’t argue with clan members, especially higher ranking ones.
3.Come to events.
4.Bump our thread
5.Be active
6.Have fun
7.Be in the clan chat at all times
8.Listen to the leaders

10-Aug-2011 04:28:04 - Last edited on 10-Aug-2011 05:11:42 by Mulkey



Posts: 5,816 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
‹.„¸˜*^¤‹.„¸˜*^¤‹.„¸˜*^¤‹.„¸¸„.›¤^*˜..:::::KNIGHTS OF VENGEANCE:::::..˜*^¤‹.„¸¸„.›¤^*˜¸„.›¤^*˜¸„.›¤^*˜¸„.›¤
,,,,,,,,,*^¤‹.„¸˜*^¤‹.„¸¸„.›¤^*˜¸„.›¤^*˜¸„.›¤^*˜,,,,,,MEMBER LIST,,,,,, ˜*^¤‹.„¸˜*^¤‹.„¸˜*^¤‹.„¸¸„.›¤^*˜¸„.›¤^*,,,,,,,,,,
,,º³²¹“"°'ˆ˜´¨¯¨`˜ˆ'°"”¹²³ºª*^..We Value all of our Members, We currently have: 54.^*ªº³²¹“"°'ˆ˜´¨¯¨`˜ˆ'°"”¹²³º,,

¤D Mulkey

†Queen† (1/1)
¤Blood Bath2

†Magistrates† (2/3)
¤KOV Exiled

†Nobles† (1/5)

*Knights† (6)
¤Gen Zeus
¤Flutter Shy

*Soldiers† (8)
¤Mao the Envy
¤Merk Rune

†Recruits† (35)
¤Captn Squily
¤D1ce 0wn54x2
¤Fil Fn Bird2
¤Geers Of War
¤KOV Aman
¤Kraq Quar
¤Lil Fn Bird2
¤M V * zerker
¤Pk A Scrub
¤Race Hemi
¤Str Own All4
¤V Snlp3rz V


10-Aug-2011 04:28:04 - Last edited on 23-Sep-2011 01:52:35 by Mulkey

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