†¥»Law Suit«¥†
Name: Hopeless
Rank: recruit
Person you’re suing: Elysiian
Reason: flaming and starting civil disruption and interfering with clan jobs.
Witnesses: screen shots were taken.
The Member has been disrupting the clan channel in excess of two days now and disrespting me in every form possible. i have grown tired of this and urge that measures be taken to punish this member. i undertsand that he might be liked by members but popularity does not give one the right to be a "bully".
Soul has been kicked from the Clan, because he admitted to me that he did it.
And personally, I think this is ridiculous. Hopeless, you make it seem your word is over mine. Ely may have trolled you, but I have seen you troll countless of Members which is completely unnecasarry.