====Why you are interested in joining Ethereal Souls specifically? Looking for a good, active all purpose clan. Newly back to game after several years off.
====Will you try to stay on world 35? Assuming 35 is members, yes I will.
====That you agree to follow the rules & meet requirement(s) to join? I agree.
====Were you directed here by an ES clan member, or anyone in particular? if so, who? Nope, just scrolling forums.
====Are you a Runescape member? If not, do you intend to get a membership? Yes I am!
====Favorite things to do on Runescape? I enjoy PVM, bossing and oddly enough questing.
I am a level 91 noob, fresh back to the game, haven’t played routinely since 2011, have the 10 year (and then some) veteran cape to prove it. Total level just shy of 1300, just looking for a good social / PVM clan to grow with.
Thank you for your consideration.
12-Sep-2020 03:53:04