====Why you are interested in joining Ethereal Souls specifically?
====A: Im in search of a new clan that would allow me to meet and interact with new people.
====Will you try to stay on world 35?
====A: If 35 is the new homeworld then I shall make that my own.
====That you agree to follow the rules & meet requirement(s) to join?
====A: I shall follow the rules that I always have and remain a respectful player to all.
====Were you directed here by an ES clan member, or anyone in particular? if so, who?
====A: I came here on my own travels, rummaging through the recruitment page.
====Are you a Runescape member? If not, do you intend to get a membership?
====A: I am a Runescape member, although it shall be through Bonds. So, the challenge shall be there for me to earn the price of bonds within the 2 week timer.
====Favorite things to do on Runescape?
====A: I am an all round player, I do PvM when I get chance and I also do skilling here and there.
====About me: My name is Tony, 27, dad of 2. Ive played this game since 2007 and I've always loved it. I have come back from a period of absense, the presence of a build up of things to do is what entices me to play more.
I am a Former Trimmed Completionist Cape Owner, lost it to a few more recent additions to the game but my goal is to gain that back.
I try my best to get involved but as its said, some play differently and now and then, the quiet solo play is just as good.
In terms of activity, I think it may be evenings/nights that I will play more because the day is usually consisting of work or being with my family.
My purpose here is to meet new people that I can call my new family. It seems that most of my old friends have either left this game behind or reduced their active time. I would like to get people that I can chat to non stop and also people I can do things with. I do enjoy some PvM, regardless of level, im not elitist, so that is something I would do when im not focusing on getting my Cape back.
02-Oct-2020 10:32:53