Hi There! Obviously, I'm Acolyte X. I've had this account for about 16 years. Thing is, I stopped playing about 7 years ago, maybe more. I'm just looking for a clan to help me learn the ropes again. So much has changed.
That's why I'm here looking to join your clan!
I'll follow all your rules. Can't make promises about world 35 as I may be playing with my brother from time to time.
I found your clan through the forums, and it seems like the place I'm looking for.
I am currently a member, but that's with a bond for now. I plan on sticking around though, and honestly f2p isn't good for me anymore.
Anyway, my favorite thing used to be Slayer combat, or clue hunting. I'm not sure anymore though. Things have changed for sure. We'll see.
Either way, thanks for your consideration!
05-Sep-2020 20:49:07