The notion of having an alliance or even an enemy for that matter seems to be a little bit under-sponsored within the clan community. Sure, clans might have the option to add another clan to their citadel's signpost, labeling them accordingly, but beyond that...there is little use and little mention elsewhere to indicate such relations between clans.
What I am about to propose is nothing big in my opinion..of course, that is for the developers to determine. Everything here is subject to debate among my peers.
1.) I propose.. that on the clan page under Clan Events and Forum Pages; there should be a section dedicated to alliances and enemies (possibly even unions/shared alliances&enemies; debatable). This would simply be a list that displays your clan's relation with other clans. I imagine the title of this section would be "Clan Relations".
- A clan's leader should be able to send an alliance request to another clan (similar to inviting recruits), which must be accepted before they are displayed on each other's Relations board.
- A clan may enter into an alliance at any time.
- A clan may end an alliance at any time.
- A clan does not need to send a request to be enemies with another clan.
- A clan will be notified if another clan has set their relations as hostile towards their clan; However, this will not be displayed on that clan's relation board unless they choose to recognize the hostility.
2.) Clans should be able to arrange events and activities with other clans within their alliance, as well as enemies; whether it is a friendly allied joint-event or a war with an enemy.
- This will automatically be displayed under each Clan's Event Board, between the clans involved.
- All the clans involved must agree to the event arrangement, of course.
- An option should be added to the Event Noticeboard when administrating events to include other clans in a shared inter-clan activity.
We find ourselves at the end of our amusements.
18-Feb-2016 02:46:59