I know I repeat myself, but when you have been around , my clan is almost 10 years old and I tend to talk too much , skill/ level / kill too little, you see that clans really have gotten hurt , some even destroyed by the problems with the permissions.
That should be unacceptable for us, but specially for Jagex itself.
Some has happened, Jagex has limited the number of peopel admins can kick a day, the option to set it so changes in ranks and such get broadcast ad a lil ' oversight' , but the underlying problem stays.
Besides this very practical problem I have one indeed rather emotional one.
I teach Dutch to foreigners at a college and we were talking about sayings today, one of them being : " Een man een man, een woord een word" Literaly translated : A man a man, a word a word.. I think most of you got it without the translation..
This obviously means : you have to keep your promises, your word ( to be considered a real 'man' or.. woman )
Jagex decides, this is their game, they hopefully know best, but when they promised to fix this.. they should have followed trough.. no matter what.. baring some huge disaster or emergency.
not doing so is still their prerogative, but the consequences are also theirs to bear. One of these is that while i still am a huge fan of the game, and I have the utmost respect for individual mods doing their jobs soo well, I no longer am capable of believing things claimed by Jagex , just because they say so.
Now, read this as an accusation, or as emotional, or as arguing, if you want.. but it is nothing but the honest truth and said in the hope that just maybe when some J-mods read this they realize the need to do sometime about this.
23-Feb-2016 21:14:10