
Can we get a clan 'log' matthe

Quick find code: 86-87-936-65759194

Try Hard
Oct Member 2020

Try Hard

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I think this would be pretty simple to make and be a nice tool

What activities this would include (examples in parentheses):

Who made rank changes (snail changed logan's role of corporal to recruit)
Who the latest clan members to join were (jon, logan, zac joined the clan in the last 7 days)
Who invited people to clan (snail invited carbon 3 days ago)
Who banned/kicked/unbanned people (snail kicked everyone 4 days ago)

If it takes up too much storage space or something, could have it reset once a week- possibly on citadel build tick?
comment below if you have any changes or other features this could have
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01-Mar-2016 23:45:23

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I can understand this not being possible due to the immense amount of data that would need to be stored for every clan in RS.

But, asking for a small log (that refreshes periodically) seems more reasonable if possible.

I would love to have records of who made changes just for the purpose of having more records, such as a note of who kicked someone if it was an unjustifiable kick.
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02-Mar-2016 03:41:48

Try Hard
Oct Member 2020

Try Hard

Posts: 2,275 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aaron FTC said :
This has been asked for often in the past :p

I think the response was that it is not possible due to the amount of storage needed for the amount of clans and all that stuff.

they have at least a lot of this data already and would be much cheaper than rune m(tx)etrics
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02-Mar-2016 05:17:06

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It would be nice to have but even with it resetting every week for example there is a potential it needs to store a tonne of data and thats for every clan in the game.

In regards to the below

Who made rank changes (snail changed logan's role of corporal to recruit)

- You can turn on the admin broadcast to see these. In my clan ranking is done by the key ranks no admins can change ranks as that the clan rule and we have continuous communication to ensure everyone knows about it and is aware.

Who the latest clan members to join were (jon, logan, zac joined the clan in the last 7 days)

- You can use a safe website which most clans use called 'RuneClan' however it won't say who recruited them.

Who invited people to clan (snail invited carbon 3 days ago)

- Turn on the clan broadcast additionally something which some clans get around by having an excel sheet or a clan thread where it lists who joined and who they were recruited by.

Who banned/kicked/unbanned people (snail kicked everyone 4 days ago)

- This is the same with the above, additionally you can make it so only certain ranks can kick/ban for example in my clan only key ranks can ban and kick unless they have given permission otherwise.
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02-Mar-2016 12:18:16

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