the way we run it is simple, if they want admin rank or higher than they got to half cap, if they dont care then star in the stripe world. It allows us to get enough capping by our higher ranks, after all the citadel is something we take pride in
Runescape is all about personal game (blanket comment) the time it takes to cap at the citadel compared to xp you can gain is not worth it compared to methods outside of it. People who don't want to cap don't see the bigger picture.
At TSR we tell people that in order to get benefits from a clan you should do work for the clan.
In my fraternity (Sigma Alpha Epsilon) there is a quote called the Mosely Maxim it goes as follows:
"You get out of a fraternity, what you put into it"
This can be applied to clans as well.
Owner Of
Prestige Legion
A high level bossing clan without the elitism
I must be a freak - I cap every week in my clan's citadel and work on whatever plot the Clan needs resource in. No one asks or demands it of me, I just do it as part of my weekly game.
Mod MattHe |
Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey
Is there any real need for an upkeep cost? i mean is it gonna be that detrimental to the game?
Juts keep dilapidation to number count only?
Im personally am really not bothered if there is or there isnt but i think overall it would be nice if there wasnt that worry, i mean i know its just recently been lowered but at the time of discussion i proposed the same idea.
. .•*(¸.•*´(¸.•*´+`*•.¸)`*•.¸)*•.
03-Dec-2015 15:32:05
- Last edited on
03-Dec-2015 15:34:13
Mod Matthe
I must be a freak - I cap every week in my clan's citadel and work on whatever plot the Clan needs resource in. No one asks or demands it of me, I just do it as part of my weekly game.
You're not alone, Mod Matthe. Personally, I've found it relaxing. The stress comes over wondering if we'll meet upkeep sometimes.
Ninmci said ... If your " established clan " citadel is failing with all the new resources requirements its your clan thats failing . not the citadel .
All clans are unique. To say one is failing because they've lost interest in one piece of content isn't true.
I think what would help is for the citadel storehouse to be adjusted. So that it saves a higher percentage of surplus resources; allowing smaller clans to build up a small resource stockpile (as-long as they don't use it on upgrades).
Currently the highest percentage carry-over per build tick is 50% (at tier 7, according to the unofficial wiki). This could be increased to 90-100% in my opinion, whilst keeping the currently maximum stored resources (for example 3000 timber). So if we collect 3k surplus wood, we keep it (or most of it) and it can then be used towards next weeks upkeep.
Furthermore, the storehouse could be adjusted to allow clans to store charcoal and ore; this would help alleviate some issues where some members wait further into the build tick before working at the citadel.
I think aforementioned changes would help alleviate some issues for smaller clans; whilst still requiring the clan to have collected the resources at some point in the past. I also feel this would not benefit larger clans as much as smaller clans due to the already larger surplus they already have.
As a rough guide; I would suggest changing the percentage carry over to be change from to:
Tier 1 - 5% -> 50%
Tier 2 - 10% -> 55%
Tier 3 - 15% -> 60%
Tier 4 - 20% -> 65%
Tier 5 - 25% -> 70%
Tier 6 - 30% -> 75%
Tier 7 - 50% -> 95%
Changing this would also allow smaller clans to build up their citadel quicker; helping to reduce the initial headache of having members focus on the woodcutting plot only.