Personally I have been in a similar situation the issue is not people coming in abusing its about how you handle what happed to have people doing this .I first hand have been caught up in so much clan drama's. you need to know not everyone in a clan will attack . sometimes its happens because you have deep seeded hatred from betrayal from my experience its better to talk like men/woman and sort it and move on cause its not healthy for either clan. and if its clan leaders against each other that's not a leadership trait . you need to think of your clan members sometimes before your self when it comes to leaders fighting your clan needs to be number one over the hate
What happens if the clan makes unreasonable "suggestions" and refuses to talk it out like civilized adults? Because lets be honest here, if these people are willing to get the majority of their clan to spam another clan's clan chat, they are not civilized adults who are willing to talk it out.
Seer of War
This happens, not often, but sadly it does happen. It has happened to us in the past.
Indeed, without naming names, some members of the CLF (that many of you would recognize) have used falsehoods and half-truths to nudge some of their clan-members to perpetrate these attacks in a coordinated fashion against our clan in the past.
I am thankful that it seems many clans have never experienced this firsthand, but for those of us that have, it can be a very difficult situation to resolve - especially when the leader(s) of the offending clan are the ones orchestrating it and refuse to be reasonable (you wouldn't believe some of the screenshots we have of this from past issues - extremely blatant).
Long story short, I fully support this (if it is possible) for the rare situations that it is necessary.
with 500 people in a clan 5 rotten apple s are you going to ban everyone .
Thankfully this topic will be dealt with at the end of months clan Q o l #2 update with clan pin access to cc if you need to use it
As OP mentioned multiple times, this is for a large scale organized attack by a clan. Probably 20+ people (regardless of the number of people in the clan) and no room on a ban list.